Well training should occur in frequent basis, since they should train after all. Each training gives sanji L. And we also know the siblings beat sanji frequently too, since judge mentioned that during the flashback.
Just telling you common logic and sense here. No need to be so bitter about it
Make no sense, sanji was 5-6yo when he leaved germa, they started the training around 3-4 yo when they bodyes were big enough to do this training, so sanji stayed here for 1-2 years at max.
We only saw the main 5-6 trainings were Sanji failed ofc because he was weak as a normal human. After that it was just a matter of time till he leaved. In 1 year you cant lose 2001 times unless you start the confruntations and we have no reason to think that they beat sanji 10 times on average/day lmao, and why the fuck is this conversation about Sanji loosing 2001 times, stay a bit and think it is free, it makes no sense, the only confirmation of 2001 ls are from zoro. Sanji from what we know was beaten just a cuple of times, 10 times or so? he put a fight just in 1 or 2 situations, so calling those confruntations isnt rly correct. Other then that just speculations, and the speculations means exactly 0 in this case.
Common sense and all. This discution is in the favor of Sanji and not again him. And this is a post about zoro, why do you even come at me with Sanji, you are the one who started this. And I saw some posts from you were you say that you hate those discutions, then why the fuck do you start them?

Or maybe I confused you with someone else.