Character Discussion Why people here hate Tama-chan?

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
She is awesome. By the way i hope more users show up in her fanclub,i cant be the only one to write there xD or it will never get upped in the forum hehe
Don Le Fishe didn't been in fanclubs in a while thanks for reminding him that!
Mate, your thread is shit long story short, adios :hapnoel:


Tama-chan pretty much carry Wano side in the alliance, everyone else from Wano are useless LoL

Except Rebbeca was useless and had her own sub-plot, while Tama is usefull and her plot mix with the SH plot (Nami and Ussop in the raid). Tama-chan is more like Viola than Rebbeca.

Fair, but Oda build-up Tama stealing the Gifters long ago ppl who complain now because she do her part are dum-dum.
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Than why you don't cry about what happen in the live floor with Queen made around 3500 fodders switch sides? Tama power work on about 500 individuals you silly-billy
worked on 500 that are strong, maybe mid tiers. sanji can ko the 3000 fodder waiters with his CoC that changed side.
Tama’s issue is two fold:

1.) Child in a war zone is bad for tension & immersion.

2.) There are at least a dozen characters I would rather see participate in this war than her in any given chapter. She is soaking up time that would be better spent on: Any SH. Any Supernova, Marco, or any Scabbard.

I liked Tama until the raid started, and I’m fine with her being involved with her DF as it was clearly set up. But I’d rather she be on the back lines and mostly minor than running around in the middle of things and being a Top 3 most pivotal alliance member.
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Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
@Le Fishe D. Crydo This is my opinion but I don't think she should be carrying the alliance. She doesn't have the same emotional build up as other characters. She was always a plot device. Her introduction was to show Luffy and the readers how bad the country of Wano itself was. Oda did that with Yasuie, Toko, and Hyori. Tama became a plot contrivance.
She don't carry the alliance only the Wano-side (the Samurai) of the alliance who's completely useless LoL
In the end it's the SH who will save Wano either way.
@Le Fishe D. Crydo I know that Luffy will be the main savior of Wano. I got Tama fatigue during the Nami and Usopp vs Ulti and Page One. That wasn't just Tama's fault. There was so much whiplash during that fight. Ulti's down, now she's back up! Big Mom is there! So is Tama using her DF power. All that time I was waiting for Sanji's match up. I was hoping that Oda would show us Robin and Brook vs Black Maria. I don't despise the character, but I do want her to take a back seat for the time being.

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
Tama’s issue is two fold:

1.) Child in a war zone is bad for tension & immersion.

2.) There are at least a dozen characters I would rather see participate in this war then her in any given chapter. She is soaking up time that would be better spent on: Any SH. Any Supernova, Marco, or any Scabbard.

I liked Tama until the raid started, and I’m fine with her being involved with her DF as it was clearly set up. But I’d rather she be on the back lines and mostly minor than running around in the middle of things and being a Top 3 most pivotal alliance member.
@Le Fishe D. Crydo I know that Luffy will be the main savior of Wano. I got Tama fatigue during the Nami and Usopp vs Ulti and Page One. That wasn't just Tama's fault. There was so much whiplash during that fight. Ulti's down, now she's back up! Big Mom is there! So is Tama using her DF power. All that time I was waiting for Sanji's match up. I was hoping that Oda would show us Robin and Brook vs Black Maria. I don't despise the character, but I do want her to take a back seat for the time being.
OK, fair. This theards is for Tama haters you not hater so that's cool.
How dare you!
She's like this arc's Shirahoshi or Rebecca but you trade world relevance (for Hoshi) or an emotional payoff (for Rebecca) for her being a straight up plot device, being able to control gifters and even gaining Big Mom's favor lol.
Onigashima already has a tension issue becuase all the Beast Pirates who aren't major officers feel like trash, so with the gifters now on her side, Kaido's forces who aren't fighting 1v1 are all literal fodder.
If this thread is serious with an ounce of comedy, then here's the main reason why people hate Tama;

Gratification delaying.

People just want to get to the main events of the arc (e.g Yamatao, Luffy v Kaido, Zoro & Sanji fights) and every mentioning of any other character in existence on Wano is brain jamming for some of the trolls on this forum hence why they are incapable of delaying the gratification reaching those plot points.

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
If this thread is serious with an ounce of comedy, then here's the main reason why people hate Tama;

Gratification delaying.

People just want to get to the main events of the arc (e.g Yamatao, Luffy v Kaido, Zoro & Sanji fights) and every mentioning of any other character in existence on Wano is brain jamming for some of the trolls on this forum hence why they are incapable of delaying the gratification reaching those plot points.
So basically they all just salty Tama-chan more relevant than their fav
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You are in your 20's asking why people dislike a side character whose whole purpose was to be a plot device. You are 21 asking these kid like questions. I expect 13 year olds to ask this type of question, not someone in their 20s.
You actually think his fishness care? This theard is just a way to talk about Tama-chan superiority 🥳🐟
Don Le Fish is right. As for Luffy is the mc, he thinks that Tama is awesome because she is sparing us random gifters vs samurais fights.
She made the plan move faster and the 1v1 coming faster as well.
Kid this, kid that, plot this, plot that, I don't care, I already knew how it was going to turn anyway, I don't get why this is bothering people except maybe for the length of it.