Questions & Mysteries Why Sanji wanted after Enies Lobby is too low?

For me it makes sense. Before Enies lobby he was just a nameless, unknown pirate in a small paradise crew (which defeated a warlord, that is the problem story wise). Then they do what they did at Enies lobby at that point there is heavy attention on this crew, the captain as the ones taking decisions and also the one to do the biggest work jumps from 120 to 300M bounty. The 2nd man who was the only one beside the captain to had a bounty jumps from 60 to 120M and then the 3rd unknown strongest member is now known and jumps from nothing to 77M bounty. Regarding Sanji that is according to his previous bounty (nothing) and his work and status in the crew. Chopper who has no particular ranking and seems just a mascotte got 16 beri.

And anyway it is not so important to jump in bounty but the final number. Zoro despite doing a workd who is at the very least equal or most likely better than Sanji got a +60M jump while Sanji got +77M and that is because Sanji started from nothing. If he already had a bounty of 60M he would have get at best the same bounty of Zoro (120 M) or most likely below it. The same thing applies for Zoro defeating Pica and jumping from 120M to 320M, Zoro did an astonishing feat for a 120M bounty man, actually his bounty should have reached way above considering people like pre skip Luffy and Kidd were already there (of course considering just the power levels not the massacres Kidd did or the atatck Luffy did to Enies lobby) and so they revaluted him at 320M berry. Sanji got a free +100M jump and for all the members there was a jump just for being part of the SH crew. I don't see the issue here to be honest.
For me it makes sense. Before Enies lobby he was just a nameless, unknown pirate in a small paradise crew (which defeated a warlord, that is the problem story wise). Then they do what they did at Enies lobby at that point there is heavy attention on this crew, the captain as the ones taking decisions and also the one to do the biggest work jumps from 120 to 300M bounty. The 2nd man who was the only one beside the captain to had a bounty jumps from 60 to 120M and then the 3rd unknown strongest member is now known and jumps from nothing to 77M bounty. Regarding Sanji that is according to his previous bounty (nothing) and his work and status in the crew. Chopper who has no particular ranking and seems just a mascotte got 16 beri.

And anyway it is not so important to jump in bounty but the final number. Zoro despite doing a workd who is at the very least equal or most likely better than Sanji got a +60M jump while Sanji got +77M and that is because Sanji started from nothing. If he already had a bounty of 60M he would have get at best the same bounty of Zoro (120 M) or most likely below it. The same thing applies for Zoro defeating Pica and jumping from 120M to 320M, Zoro did an astonishing feat for a 120M bounty man, actually his bounty should have reached way above considering people like pre skip Luffy and Kidd were already there (of course considering just the power levels not the massacres Kidd did or the atatck Luffy did to Enies lobby) and so they revaluted him at 320M berry. Sanji got a free +100M jump and for all the members there was a jump just for being part of the SH crew. I don't see the issue here to be honest.
Its just another thread to downplay Sanji. Dont worry about. Funnily enough Sanji got a higher increase then Zoro in Ennies Lobby.....but eh let them stay ignorant.
For me it makes sense. Before Enies lobby he was just a nameless, unknown pirate in a small paradise crew (which defeated a warlord, that is the problem story wise)
Everything about Crocodile's defeat seems weird, not even just Powerlevel wise but when you include the fact that the Gorosei said that this is the first time a Warlord was ever defeated , didn't Ace Technically "defeat" Jinbei?
The problem for Sanji's reputation is his stealth demeanor, for instance mr. prince or him disappearing to open the gate of Enies Lobby, while that was indispensable at aiding the crew it caused him to go unnoticed. The marines coudn't even take a picture of him. At the same time Zoro got the majority of the spotlight by defeating the 100 bounty hunters and leading the crew against the marines captains.
One thing that’s important to note is Jabra was pretty much completely fine right after his fight with Sanji and was even carrying Kaku who was still knocked out from his fight with Zoro. The Marines that were chasing them may have noticed this and realized how much more damage Zoro was capable of inflicting compared to Sanji.

Kaku is the only one still knocked out, this one cover story alone wanks zoro harder than you or I ever could
Yes thats why Luffy's and Zoro's increase in Dressrosa makes zero sense at alll.
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Yes that is exactly what you said. Do not run away from it.

Dorki measures physical strength not AP. Kaku's dorki isnt gonna magically gonna go higher if he used a sword on that dudes body. And if it did it would show that swords do in fact make you stronger.

Swords just allow for a different fighting style, they do not make you stronger. So again saying Kaku's Dorki is higher /=/ He could beat Jabra in a swordless fight. Thats your own ignorant headcannon.
Did Kakus doriki not go up after he ate a Massive Zoan DF? :optimistic:
Jabra already ate the Zoan df :optimistic:
Oh no does that mean Zoro fought someone with 3000 douriki?
Wow I never knew we had someone with below 70 iq in this forum.

You do realise Zoan Fruits do not effect Base Strength. Jabra and Kaku Dorki's were measured using their base strength. If they both went Hybrid their Dorkis would increase. And thats the only way it would increase.

Thus the Fruit didnt affect Kaku's base strength at all. Meaning he wouldnt magically get higher if he attacked with his base.
Wow I never knew we had someone with below 70 iq in this forum.

You do realise Zoan Fruits do not effect Base Strength. Jabra and Kaku Dorki's were measured using their base strength. If they both went Hybrid their Dorkis would increase. And thats the only way it would increase.

Thus the Fruit didnt affect Kaku's base strength at all. Meaning he wouldnt magically get higher if he attacked with his base.
Shh you've always known you were 69 IQ -1 Chromo
Wow I never knew we had someone with below 70 iq in this forum.

You do realise Zoan Fruits do not effect Base Strength. Jabra and Kaku Dorki's were measured using their base strength. If they both went Hybrid their Dorkis would increase. And thats the only way it would increase.

Thus the Fruit didnt affect Kaku's base strength at all. Meaning he wouldnt magically get higher if he attacked with his base.
w0w i NeVeR nEw wE hAd blah blah blah
Doesn’t change that Zoro > judges stinky time

And FYI, chromo you’re definitely not worth expending my brain cells on
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Talent is something you make bloom.
Despite beating similar opponents, Zoro was more present during the last battle, while Sanji was doing his undercover stuff. Cant have a bounty increase if people dont know that you did something. Thats the reason they didnt have a bounty increase after skypie, for example.


Zoro Worshipper
Despite beating similar opponents, Zoro was more present during the last battle, while Sanji was doing his undercover stuff. Cant have a bounty increase if people dont know that you did something. Thats the reason they didnt have a bounty increase after skypie, for example.
They are sleeping easy thanks to the fact that Sanji's bounty is more elevated than Zoro's but how does that matter when Sanji never even took out an opponent that Zoro could not take out I mean? Wadatsumi was basically a fodder and Jabra, he was a bit below Kaku level, expect it took very high difficulty.