Break Week Why the Sanji downplay is stupid and pathetic!!!


3 Palestine
This is easily my favourite thread....Well done Goat :cheers:

Sanji is really one of the most underappreciated character in OP. I personally love his core principles and values and the fact that's he's always so calm in desperate situations which makes him a valuable asset to the Strawhats. He is also the strategist of the crew which is another added bonus. He also has the best drip and easily the best fighting style.

No matter how much people deny it, the monster trio will always be Luffy, Zoro and Sanji. :goyea:

You don't realise how silly it is say that Usopp will have a CoC? Chopper have more chance than him
Also there is a statement from Oda saying that Usopp will always be the weakest strawhat because he's the only normal human in the crew
Im not downplaying him but that's how Usopp is and will be till EoS
Getting CoC is not about one's power level but about one's will. Usopp's dream is to become a brave warrior of the sea. Now there isn't any standard procedure to become one unlike let's say becoming the pirate king. But we do know that to be brave in general, you need a strong resolve and will. Do I need to explain more?
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Where did I say such a thing ? You don’t seem to remember what this discussion was about. I said if Usopp has CoC, Sanji definitely has it too. Then your argument for Usopp having it and not Sanji was "let Sanji have his own things or everyone would have an invisible power ranger suit" when CoC is something literally 15 characters are confirmed to possess so far. Speaking of which, isn’t it hypocritical to say Sanji shouldn’t have CoC because we should give him his "own things" but defending at the same time the idea of Zoro and Usopp getting it like Luffy ? That doesn’t make any sense at all.

"Just because a stronger character..."
So now Usopp is stronger than Sanji ?
<usopp and zoro actually fit the traits while your argument for sanji is "Usopp is weaker how can he have CoC and not sanji"
Where did I say such a thing ? You don’t seem to remember what this discussion was about. I said if Usopp has CoC, Sanji definitely has it too. Then your argument for Usopp having it and not Sanji was "let Sanji have his own things or everyone would have an invisible power ranger suit" when CoC is something literally 15 characters are confirmed to possess so far. Speaking of which, isn’t it hypocritical to say Sanji shouldn’t have CoC because we should give him his "own things" but defending at the same time the idea of Zoro and Usopp getting it like Luffy ? That doesn’t make any sense at all.

"Just because a stronger character..."
So now Usopp is stronger than Sanji ?
first of all, there is no indication Ussop has it, second, if Ussop gets it that dosent mean Sanji should also get it just because Ussop has it. Thats just absurd, cringe and stupid. CoC dosent mean the character is strong. Sanjifans should stop with this "if x character has y haki then it should TOTALY also happen to Sanji because my headcannon demands it".
Yeah, it’s totally comparable. I forgot the strongest characters in the verse all had an invisible power ranger suit.
This is where you said it, IF even ussop manages to get it, you desperately want Sanji to also get it because the strongest characters in the verse had it...Not because there would be any reason at all for him to get it.
There is something that I always wondered why Oda does with Sanji in many arcs, which is making him interact with the arcs main villains and bosses before Luffy does, and sometimes outsmart them
Both pre and post time skip?
Crocodile in Alabasta, Enel in Skypia, Vergo in Punk hazard, Doflamingo in Dressrosa and other examples

So I don't really blame his fans if they have high expectations with him every arc its Oda's fault
Even though I don't agree with some points, this is a great and a very much needed thread in this forum. The amount of Sanji haters here is astounding. Some even said that they are surprised by the fact that the guy even has fans. Really now? Have you guys not seen Pre-TS Sanji and especially my favourite, WCI Sanji. I'm not saying there aren't any Zoro haters here. There are, but their number doesn't even come close to Sanji haters.
lol Usopp has shown time and time again he has more leadership ability and ambiton than Sanji and lol does CoC mean strength so I guess chinjao> bb and akainu and garp and law
He got Dressrosa fighters behind him because he accidentally defeated Sugar and somehow that makes him a better leader than Sanji, who led the Marines at PH and always takes care of the crew when Luffy and Zoro aren’t there ?

Prime Chinjao was a beast, comparing Law to an old version of Chinjao who lost his ability to break continents makes no sense.


Talent is something you make bloom.
Good luck getting this lot to agree with you

TO BE FAIR, I personally think Zoro at the EoS will be at the same level as Luffy.
In truth, I think Luffy will die relatively young, like Roger did, and Zoro, who will keep living, might even surpass him, because he will keep getting stronger, until he gets at some age that he starts to get weaker.
But then again, that's some EoS shit right here. Not relevant to the plot. :kayneshrug:
He got Dressrosa fighters behind him because he accidentally defeated Sugar and somehow that makes him a better leader than Sanji, who led the Marines at PH and always takes care of the crew when Luffy and Zoro aren’t there ?

Prime Chinjao was a beast, comparing Law to an old version of Chinjao who lost his ability to break continents makes no sense.
he eled the marines once while Usopp attracts people towards thats part of conquerors and he also has stronger ambition
Prime chinjao>Law, garp, akainu, and BB you know what this has been a waste of time good bye
lol Usopp has shown time and time again he has more leadership ability and ambiton than Sanji and lol does CoC mean strength so I guess chinjao> bb and akainu and garp and law
The way peaple pretend not see what Sanji has done in the story will never seize to amaze me
So he never shown any leadership AT ALL?

the guy literally befriend, turn and lead a different squad each arc and it's kinda became his thing now
Not to mention how he lead half of the crew and it was named after him

And he has a royal blood who was born to lead his own army (in Germa) if that isn't enough what it is

Did Usopp ever lead any group except those children friends he had?
Also ambition is not really a factor, whitebeard ambition is to have a family and he's a CoC

Also Sanji does have an admirable ambition, finding a mythical sea isn't something small it also correlates what true pirates want which is to be free
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The way peaple pretend not see what Sanji has done in the story will never seize to amaze me
So he never shown any leadership AT ALL?
the guy literally befriend, turn and lead a different squad each arc and it's kinda became his thing now
Not o mention how he lead half of the crew and it was name after him
And he has a royal blood who was born to lead his own army (in Germa) if that isn't enough what it is

Did Usopp ever lead any group except the his children friends?
Also ambition is not really a factor, whitebeard ambition is to have a family and he's a CoC

Also Sanji does have an admirable ambition, finding a mythical sea isn't something small it also correlates what true pirates want which is to be free
Usopp lead the giants
WBs ambition was for a family yet he stroe for it and nothing could every drive him away from it and its not really the ambition or dream itself but your ambition to reach that place
the only group hes lead marines


Talent is something you make bloom.
he eled the marines once while Usopp attracts people towards thats part of conquerors and he also has stronger ambition
Prime chinjao>Law, garp, akainu, and BB you know what this has been a waste of time good bye
Usopp attracts people no more than Buggy does. Is more a gag than actual feat. I like the idea of Usopp getting notoriety around the world due to overrated feats and accidents. Fits his identity as a liar and a prankster quite well.
His real skill is his sharpshooting ability. He unlocked Observation as an enhancement to the particular skill. And it will keep being his strongest trait. I don't think that's bad at all, but all of this doesn't really fit him getting CoC.


Zoro Worshipper
Usopp lead the giants
WBs ambition was for a family yet he stroe for it and nothing could every drive him away from it and its not really the ambition or dream itself but your ambition to reach that place
the only group hes lead marines
I feel like Elbaf will be Usopp's arc and he will undergo a major character development. Usopp fans may rejoyce cause Usopp will be the Zoro of Wano when the right time comes into play. And it should eventually already happen by 2022. 2022 is set to be the God's year.
Usopp attracts people no more than Buggy does. Is more a gag than actual feat. I like the idea of Usopp getting notoriety around the world due to overrated feats and accidents. Fits his identity as a liar and a prankster quite well.
His real skill is his sharpshooting ability. He unlocked Observation as an enhancement to the particular skill. And it will keep being his strongest trait. I don't think that's bad at all, but all of this doesn't really fit him getting CoC.
he attracted the giants and the collosieum fighters and usopp lies coming to truth is also a gag yet it always comes into fruition. Keep denying but Usopp is getting CoC


Talent is something you make bloom.
One question.
The power to attract people and CoC are the same thing?
Isn't CoC more about subjugating others?
When Mihawks talks about Luffy's ability to attract people and make them his allies, he wasn't talking about CoC. Was there a moment that suggested these were the same thing? Serious question.
Also, I don't think Sanji needs to have CoC, it isn't his nature. If anything, Zoro and Usopp are going to be the one who will get it. Sanji can get really good in the other aspects of haki and that wouldn't take anything away from his as a character.
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CoC is not about power levels but about one's will. Usopp has more chances of getting CoC than the admirals even though he'll never be on their level.
No one really need CoC in one piece especially if they are strong lol but it's a cool feat for aesthetics purposes