Break Week Why the Sanji downplay is stupid and pathetic!!!

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
About the so called "Germa Genes".
Wasn't the whole point of Sanji's mother to take that medicine and basically poison herself until death to make sure at least one of her children wouldn't have these "modified genes" and would become a normal human? Kinda kills that plotline if now Sanji wake these up.
He trained with Zeff and became strong. He trained at Ivankov country to become stronger. Now, instead of training, he gained a tech suit te become even stronger. No need for Germa genes or whatever. The Suit should fulfill that role AT LEAST for this arc.

Ryou IS Haki, but in Wano, they most commonly have a specific application. Imagine CoA is an apple. Luffy have red apple (hardening), but, in order to breach Kaido's scales, he needs to get green apple (flowing sakura). But green apple is not a strong version of a red apple. Just different types of the same thing.
Lanji is so pathtic and the Lanjitards became so desparte they actully hope for retcon of his bacstory so he can become discount Franky (like his brothers lol). Sad, so sad.
Okay fine. You believe Queen has such high durability that he competes with Kaido in story mechanics that Sanji just magically has Ryou simply because the story demands it for Queen.


so the bet is on, Sanji has to be clearly shown or stated to be using Ryou against queen. THERE WILL BE NO NONSENSE LIKE THOSE BLURRY PANELS OF SANJI USING HARDENING. We do not allow vague unconfirmed panels like that. It has to be either clearly visually shown or it has to be directly stated. No ambiguity. The right?
That's fine for me.
Good thread @Zoro D Goat very well elaborated, Your arguments and examples were convincing am not gonna lie.
But to be fair it seems like Sanji will have a different path of power.. Not necessarily the path of Ryou that Luffy and Zoro trained hard to master but a combination of what he already has (RS tech + Haki + DJ + Germa Genes?) which could be as effective against Ancient Zoan. Plus COA is not his predilection field so it safe to not expect much from him in that section. Post Timeskip Luffy/Zoro have the same engine, Sanji's one it's just different, If Oda had him trained by let's say Garp i would have somehow considered his COA level like the others ones. Sanji doesn't strike me as a character that can have COA's lessons flashback and his COA grows stronger but one that can have childhood/Timeskip flashback and his anger makes him flames higher, If Oda hands him that haki flow right now, it would be great but would lack substance IMO.
About COC i don't rule out Sanji , he might have it by EOS.i feel like If King and Queen have it, Sanji's will definitely have it
I think Sanji will awaken exoskeleton or black flames in the future.
Ryou isn't just armament haki, please stop spreading this misinformation.

-Luffy already had armament haki before Udon, but he didn't know how to use ryou. He had to be taught by Hyogoro to be able to use ryou, in order to hurt Kaido.

*Ryou means 'flowing sakura' and it refers to a specific type of application of armament haki where the user makes it flow outwards from the body.

-This ryou allows Kinemon and scabbards to breach Kaido's skin, whereas Luffy(with armament haki hardening) could not do it, even with Kong Organ.

-and on topic, Sanji has armament haki, but he does not know how to use ryou.
Ryou is just a different concept of armament haki, just like how there are sensing presence and predicting other opponent's moves for observation haki. Bottom line is that while Sanji doesn't seems to have that kind of Ryou, he still have armament haki is what I'm trying to say.

The rest I agree. ^^
The reason Sanji get downplayed is because:

He isn't Member of Worst Generation
He isn't New Gen on the Roof fighting Yonko
His Family considered him Weak & still did after WCI concluded
He didn't have an Official Training Master like Rayleigh & Mihawk
He never aimed for Greatness as a Fighter
He have no Parallels with any Character except Gaban who is basically a Cameo Character
Jinbe replaced him in Multiple Scenes since he joined the Crew
He hates his own Power Up (Raid Suit) & consider it an Insult
He got his Main Weapon (Leg) broken against a Vice Admiral/Executive of Doflamingo
Barely had a Fight Post-TS
Unlike Zoro, he have barely any Similarities with Luffy

So if the guy isn't a Notable Figure in New Generation in both Name & Actuality, his Family consider him weak, he have no Master, no Goal or Desire to get Stronger, no Inspirational Figure or someone to reach his Greatness, relies on Science & barely fights more than rest of Straw Hats & have no Parallel with his Captain, how do you really overhype this Character?

The guy stands out because he is "Strongest" in the Crew outside Captain & his Fighter so obviously he will be treated as a Bronze Medalist but stop putting him with beyond his Level

Luffy & Zoro not only they show to have Higher Level of Power & Portrayal but the Story demands it, in other words, even if Luffy & Zoro are not shown & absent & lack feats, we know where they are supposed to be & where they will be later because the Story & their Dreams is about Strength & Power & Greatness. Sanji on the other hand doesn't have such Fixed Set Power Level Goal, he is as much as he shows us & it's not much i'm afraid
The reason Sanji get downplayed is because:

He isn't Member of Worst Generation
He isn't New Gen on the Roof fighting Yonko
His Family considered him Weak & still did after WCI concluded
He didn't have an Official Training Master like Rayleigh & Mihawk
He never aimed for Greatness as a Fighter
He have no Parallels with any Character except Gaban who is basically a Cameo Character
Jinbe replaced him in Multiple Scenes since he joined the Crew
He hates his own Power Up (Raid Suit) & consider it an Insult
He got his Main Weapon (Leg) broken against a Vice Admiral/Executive of Doflamingo
Barely had a Fight Post-TS
Unlike Zoro, he have barely any Similarities with Luffy

So if the guy isn't a Notable Figure in New Generation in both Name & Actuality, his Family consider him weak, he have no Master, no Goal or Desire to get Stronger, no Inspirational Figure or someone to reach his Greatness, relies on Science & barely fights more than rest of Straw Hats & have no Parallel with his Captain, how do you really overhype this Character?

The guy stands out because he is "Strongest" in the Crew outside Captain & his Fighter so obviously he will be treated as a Bronze Medalist but stop putting him with beyond his Level

Luffy & Zoro not only they show to have Higher Level of Power & Portrayal but the Story demands it, in other words, even if Luffy & Zoro are not shown & absent & lack feats, we know where they are supposed to be & where they will be later because the Story & their Dreams is about Strength & Power & Greatness. Sanji on the other hand doesn't have such Fixed Set Power Level Goal, he is as much as he shows us & it's not much i'm afraid
Mostly the other things you’ve stated are purely opinionated but I’m not here to really debate those points as i have wayyyy too many times before.

I just wanted to touch on where you said Sanji doesn’t want to grow stronger when clearly that isn’t true in the slightest. Sanji has gone on record to say he needed and wanted to become stronger for the sake of the crew MULTIPLE times. So i truly don’t know where you even got he didn’t have any desire to. Maybe not for himself but he definitely doesfor his crew.
Mostly the other things you’ve stated are purely opinionated but I’m not here to really debate those points as i have wayyyy too many times before.

I just wanted to touch on where you said Sanji doesn’t want to grow stronger when clearly that isn’t true in the slightest. Sanji has gone on record to say he needed and wanted to become stronger for the sake of the crew MULTIPLE times. So i truly don’t know where you even got he didn’t have any desire to. Maybe not for himself but he definitely doesfor his crew.
Needs to be stronger & desires Power are two different things

All Crew said they want to get Stronger because they need to. However Luffy & Zoro's Dreams is to become "Stronger"
In other words, it's not only because they need more Power, but because that's their Goal from the Start

So that's the difference, Sanji & rest of Crew want to be Stronger out of need, but Zoro & Luffy made it their Life Goal.
Sanji never wished for Power, nor does he Dream of showing off his Power

If we translate this into Power Levels, Luffy & Zoro always wanted to be Top Tiers since they were Kids
Sanji wants to be as strong as the situation demands & needs


Welcome to the House of Hope
Zoro's dream of becoming the WSS actually demands him to beat someone for the title.
Technically, you don't have to beat anyone to become PK.
Luffy getting stronger is because he wants to be able to protect his friends, so they can be with him when he reaches his goal.
Zoro desire to be WSS is something for himself. Protecting everybody else is secondary.
And why do people insist in this "Sanji doesn't want to become stronger" nonsense? Didn't he train with Zeff? Didn't he fight an entire kingdom for 2 years? Didn't he accept the Raid Suit because he thought the way he was currently wasn't enough? Find All Blue is not something that directly puts you into confrontation with anyone, but he also wants to make Luffy PK and, for that, he DEFINITELY needs and WANTS to become stronger. Otherwise he would never have put that Raid Suit on in the first place. :seriously:
Technically, you don't have to beat anyone to become PK.
Luffy getting stronger is because he wants to be able to protect his friends, so they can be with him when he reaches his goal.
Zoro desire to be WSS is something for himself. Protecting everybody else is secondary.
What kind of story are you reading? LMAO this guy has ascended all the numbers of pieces...hes is reading one whole.

As expected of Sanjifans, but to be fair, you need to have a specialy terrible take on reading the series to have Sanji as your favorite character.
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Welcome to the House of Hope
What's wrong about what I said?
Didn't Luffy tell Blueno that he needed to become stronger because he had friends he wanted to protect? Wasn't he crying because he couldn't protect everyone at Sabaody? Didn't he started coming to terms with Ace's death when he realized he still had friends he wanted to protect?
I mean, I don't know how many times Oda have to make Luffy same the same shit over and over for people to understand his motivations.
He COULD become PK by stealing all the road poneglyphs and dodging everyone like Usopp suggested, but he CHOSE not to because that would be boring.
Zoro can't choose anything. He either beats the current WSS or he doesn't get the title. Is it really that hard to grasp?
What's wrong about what I said?
Didn't Luffy tell Blueno that he needed to become stronger because he had friends he wanted to protect? Wasn't he crying because he couldn't protect everyone at Sabaody? Didn't he started coming to terms with Ace's death when he realized he still had friends he wanted to protect?
I mean, I don't know how many times Oda have to make Luffy same the same shit over and over for people to understand his motivations.
He COULD become PK by stealing all the road poneglyphs and dodging everyone like Usopp suggested, but he CHOSE not to because that would be boring.
Zoro can't choose anything. He either beats the current WSS or he doesn't get the title. Is it really that hard to grasp?
1-Look what kind of people have the road polneglyphs, look at the chaos that is the grand line and the new world...Only a complete and utter idiot would think Luffy dosent have to beat other pirates to become PK, as he said when he beat crocodile and as he is saying now to kaido, he will SURPASS them in order to become PK. Its like you dont know Luffy's personality at all, pretty damn stupid thing to say Luffy dosent need to be strong to become the most important pirate in the world.
2-Zoro choose to give his life for Luffy when he faced Kuma in TB. He also bowed to Mihawk for Luffy, not for his dream...In fact he did more for Luffy since the start of the series than Sanji ever did. Soo no, the crew dosent come "secondary", pay more attention to the story.


Welcome to the House of Hope
1- Dude didn't even know about Road Poneglyphs until the last part of his journey.
Luffy wants to beast the emperor instead of cheating his way to Laugh Tale because he says it would be boring.
The moments when he decides that he needs to get stronger are not moments where he thinks "I need to become stronger to become Pirate King". at these times he thinks "I need to get stronger to protect my friends".
He only decided to stop and train for 2 years, after Ace's death and Rayleigh talking some sense into his head.
Before that, he was rushing around Amazon Lily looking for a boat to go back to sabaody asap. The core reason he wants to become strong, is because he wants his friends there when he becomes PK. It's really not that hard to grasp.
2- I agree that these things are GOOD things about Zoro's character. But doesn't change the fact that to become WSS, you either beat the current WSS or you don't get the title. There's no "cheat" like there's with becoming PK. There's no "choice", like in Luffy's case.
And what exactly that last part have to do with anything? You sure you want to compare what zoro and sanji did for Luffy or the crew?
You sure you want that?
The reason Sanji get downplayed is because:

He isn't Member of Worst Generation
He isn't New Gen on the Roof fighting Yonko
His Family considered him Weak & still did after WCI concluded
He didn't have an Official Training Master like Rayleigh & Mihawk
He never aimed for Greatness as a Fighter
He have no Parallels with any Character except Gaban who is basically a Cameo Character
Jinbe replaced him in Multiple Scenes since he joined the Crew
He hates his own Power Up (Raid Suit) & consider it an Insult
He got his Main Weapon (Leg) broken against a Vice Admiral/Executive of Doflamingo
Barely had a Fight Post-TS
Unlike Zoro, he have barely any Similarities with Luffy

So if the guy isn't a Notable Figure in New Generation in both Name & Actuality, his Family consider him weak, he have no Master, no Goal or Desire to get Stronger, no Inspirational Figure or someone to reach his Greatness, relies on Science & barely fights more than rest of Straw Hats & have no Parallel with his Captain, how do you really overhype this Character?

The guy stands out because he is "Strongest" in the Crew outside Captain & his Fighter so obviously he will be treated as a Bronze Medalist but stop putting him with beyond his Level

Luffy & Zoro not only they show to have Higher Level of Power & Portrayal but the Story demands it, in other words, even if Luffy & Zoro are not shown & absent & lack feats, we know where they are supposed to be & where they will be later because the Story & their Dreams is about Strength & Power & Greatness. Sanji on the other hand doesn't have such Fixed Set Power Level Goal, he is as much as he shows us & it's not much i'm afraid
Zoro is not a D, or a man who smiles in the face of death
Zoro has no CoC
Zoro was not mentioned in Im's speech, only Luffy and BB.
Zoro was not included in the supernova trio of saboady and pre-onigashima, only Luffy, Kid and Law.
Zoro was not included in the speech by Shakky and BrownBeard, only Luffy, Law, Kid, Hawkins and Drake.
etc etc etc.

Don't you see the selective pattern duality you throw up when framing Luffy and Zoro together and taking Sanji out? Zoro was not included and grouped in various speeches and groups that Luffy was in, and Sanji was not included as a supernova and in the roof group, while Zoro was

In contrast, we have the most symbolic and prominent grouping in the entire manga: Luffy, Zoro and Sanji, who are the main protagonists and those who most collected scenes of the manga's struggles, the leaders of the main crew whose portrayed as monsters and grouped together dozens and dozens of times during the manga. That you decide to ignore for convenience, which is ridiculous.

Zoro is one step ahead of Sanji and that makes him participate in more important panels, does not mean that Sanji is not comparable to him and has the same level.
Zoro is not a D, or a man who smiles in the face of death
Zoro has no CoC
Zoro was not mentioned in Im's speech, only Luffy and BB.
Zoro was not included in the supernova trio of saboady and pre-onigashima, only Luffy, Kid and Law.
Zoro was not included in the speech by Shakky and BrownBeard, only Luffy, Law, Kid, Hawkins and Drake.
etc etc etc.

Don't you see the selective pattern duality you throw up when framing Luffy and Zoro together and taking Sanji out? Zoro was not included and grouped in various speeches and groups that Luffy was in, and Sanji was not included as a supernova and in the roof group, while Zoro was

In contrast, we have the most symbolic and prominent grouping in the entire manga: Luffy, Zoro and Sanji, who are the main protagonists and those who most collected scenes of the manga's struggles, the leaders of the main crew whose portrayed as monsters and grouped together dozens and dozens of times during the manga. That you decide to ignore for convenience, which is ridiculous.

Zoro is one step ahead of Sanji and that makes him participate in more important panels, does not mean that Sanji is not comparable to him and has the same level.
Luffy/Zoro/Sanji are not the most prominent grouping at all. They haven’t even had any moments since FMI. And no one denies that Luffy has more narrative importance than Zoro. But Luffy/Zoro has a much more prominent portrayal than Luffy/Zoro/Sanji. To equate Sanji not being in the Worst Generation to Zoro not being in the Supernova trio is laughable or being mentioned in a random speech is laughable.
Zoro is not a D, or a man who smiles in the face of death
Zoro has no CoC
Zoro was not mentioned in Im's speech, only Luffy and BB.
Zoro was not included in the supernova trio of saboady and pre-onigashima, only Luffy, Kid and Law.
Zoro was not included in the speech by Shakky and BrownBeard, only Luffy, Law, Kid, Hawkins and Drake.
etc etc etc.

Don't you see the selective pattern duality you throw up when framing Luffy and Zoro together and taking Sanji out? Zoro was not included and grouped in various speeches and groups that Luffy was in, and Sanji was not included as a supernova and in the roof group, while Zoro was

In contrast, we have the most symbolic and prominent grouping in the entire manga: Luffy, Zoro and Sanji, who are the main protagonists and those who most collected scenes of the manga's struggles, the leaders of the main crew whose portrayed as monsters and grouped together dozens and dozens of times during the manga. That you decide to ignore for convenience, which is ridiculous.

Zoro is one step ahead of Sanji and that makes him participate in more important panels, does not mean that Sanji is not comparable to him and has the same level.
Who said Sanji doesn't form a Group with Luffy & Zoro?
The Thread is called "Why Sanji downplay..." so i pointed out some reasons why Sanji is downplayed

Why are you people insecure & need to mention Zoro so desperately??
I answered the Thread question, if u want to talk about Zoro Failures go to "Why Zoro downplay..." Thread

And in the last part where i mentioned Luffy, Zoro & Sanji, i only pointed out that Luffy & Zoro's Estimated Power Level is known based on their Dream & Progress to it, but Sanji doesn't have similar Dream so we rely on Feats to rate him, that's all.
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Luffy, Zoro and Sanji, who are the main protagonists
Btw, these are Main Three Characters:
