Character Discussion Why Vergo is better than Katakuri (edited version)



You know Vergo was a nice character that provided some real tension. Just reading PH for the first time gave me chills with Vergo as the antagonist. I'm sorry if you don't see it that way even though you admitted he has exceptional feats. In my opinion most other characters are rather boring (DD exception with his abilit and personality) with nowhere near his overall wide abilityset and power all things considered. Vergo was like a real Rambo fighter that I can't say the same about anyone else frankly speaking, can you? Kata has lots of gimmicks and all but he was quite underwhelming against Luffy where some people have set the standard. Actually the standard is higher than what Kuri could accomplish against Luffy, which is why people are turning on Kata in powerlevel threads. Vergo did set the bar rather high which I've shown in PL discussions. Kuri is a skilled fighter so it will be a shit hard fight for Vergo regardles, when Kata isn't restricted by plot bc he could've easily killed Luffy at any point in the fight

Let's just for example just how deadly this Counter Shock thing is and how well characters can eat it to the same size that Vergo took it (which was a lot bigger than even Doffy's Counter Shock). There's a lot of things that will vindicate Vergo's power even more I can bet you. But you can go on "not caring" about him

Edit: saying you dont care about Vergo means you don't care about Smoker either. Let's see how well he does this arc. I can guarantee you he will do phenomally well
Vergo is done man, he was fun while he lasted. And he IS strong in his tier. I do think he would've wasted Sanji that arc. He's not stronger than commanders or whatever else level you inflate him to, let's be real.
Vergo is a proficient Rokushiki user with good Tekkai usage (that's what Sanji mentioned about his body being "tough like metal").
And he is one of the only mid tiers whose hardening managed to overpower the other one.

But he ain't in the high tier range. That's the tier where most supernovas are at the lower end. And in the middle and higher end, there are the YCs. Top high tiers are Yonko right hand man and a few exceptional characters.

Katakuri is a top high tier and with his FS, he managed to whoop Luffy's ass in his strongest mode relatively easy. Vergo ain't on that level.

critical mindset

Vergo is done man, he was fun while he lasted. And he IS strong in his tier. I do think he would've wasted Sanji that arc. He's not stronger than commanders or whatever else level you inflate him to, let's be real.
Smoker; Trashigi and Law will vindicate the character Oda made into the most complete fighter and all that.

Maybe your tone will change when that happens. You'll still adress me as Vergo-San, you know, because I still pack louder than G3 shockwaves with my onitake so be careful with what you say

critical mindset

The dude literally has false memory and is appointed to supreme officer by Doffy and leading his own branch in the NW as the only Vice Admiral with this distinction. Lol, he is so indispensable and vital his crippling condition doesn't stop him from attaining top positions and importance, so much so that Fujitora was really in shock when he heard about Vergo's betrayal but Katakuri means nothing to him lol :suresure:

While Katakuei is called worthless son and @BakiDou pretty much summarises it really good

Point with Katakuri is he is foisted into a position he doesn't sought or want. Deep down he wants to be just like any other bloke. When he excesses donouts, that's the kind of lifestyle he wishes for

While Vergo seeks complete and utter discipline and hardwork to reach mogging heights of physical excellence.

Donuts vs Excellence, leadership, hard work.
48 yo man(kid) who looks and act like a 19 yo on steroids with daddy issues vs 41yo respectable MAN/chad.
Katakuri is exactly how a lazy negative character is written, by giving him as many unlikeable character traits as possible.
Katakuri is selfish, arrogant, self-centered, spoiled 48yo brat. He has no good traits. Big mom hates him, she raised a cuck.
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critical mindset

Donuts vs Excellence, leadership, work hard.
48 yo old man who looks and act like a 19 yo on steroids with daddy issues vs 28 respectable MAN/chad.
Katakuri is exactly how a lazy negative character is written, by giving him as many unlikeable character traits as possible.
Katakuri is selfish, arrogant, self-centered, spoiled 48yo brat. He has no good traits.
And One Vergo
And Two Vergo
And Three Vergo
And here we go

Vergo for one
Vergo for two
Or not I learn
Critical Mindset too jealous

Critical Mindset Again
They said he love Vergo to an infinite extend
Critical Mindset Again
In the One Piece work he would have married the man

Vergo did fight Smoky Smokey
The White Hunter was defeated
And then Sanji, a fractured leg
Vergo must be, Yonkou level

Critical Mindset Again
They said he love Vergo to an infinite extend
Critical Mindset Again
In the One Piece work he would have married the man

And Tashigi survived the fiend
And poor Vergo, couldn't stand the Law
Critical Mindset, hurted by the panels
Decided that an Axolotl fruit, would revive his model

And day after day for the best and the worst
And day after why do Vergo lost ?
But Critical Mindset is a courageous one
And for his lost love, look at the work he have done ?

When I see this guy, line after line,
When I see this guy, panels after panels,
Sometimes a detail from a gigantic Manga
Can occupy a Mind,
Sometimes a detail from a gigantic Manga
Can occupy an heart


critical mindset

And One Vergo
And Two Vergo
And Three Vergo
And here we go

Vergo for one
Vergo for two
Or not I learn
Critical Mindset too jealous

Critical Mindset Again
They said he love Vergo to an infinite extend
Critical Mindset Again
In the One Piece work he would have married the man

Vergo did fight Smoky Smokey
The White Hunter was defeated
And then Sanji, a fractured leg
Vergo must be, Yonkou level

Critical Mindset Again
They said he love Vergo to an infinite extend
Critical Mindset Again
In the One Piece work he would have married the man

And Tashigi survived the fiend
And poor Vergo, couldn't stand the Law
Critical Mindset, hurted by the panels
Decided that an Axolotl fruit, would revive his model

And day after day for the best and the worst
And day after why do Vergo lost ?
But Critical Mindset is a courageous one
And for his lost love, look at the work he have done ?

When I see this guy, line after line,
When I see this guy, panels after panels,
Sometimes a detail from a gigantic Manga
Can occupy a Mind,
Sometimes a detail from a gigantic Manga
Can occupy an heart

Nice. 3/5