Title says it all. I believe Hawkins was terribly nerfed by Oda and will explain why
1- Pretimeskip he mentioned that fighting an admiral with just 10 bodies isn't wise, implying he could at least stock 10bodies
Yet apparently post-timeskip, his body store limit remained 10?
When you look at the big power difference the SHs and others guys like Law received with their abilities from pretimeskip to post-timeskip(pretimeskip Law only displayed a small room comparatively to his massive rooms in PH and dressrosa for example), it made this weird
2- We saw that when Hawkins' ability is available, he can transfer Law's room slashes to his subordinates without losing a life due to Law's room slashes not killing people
It was further confirmed when indicated Law would need to slash for the kill to run out his doll supply
And pretimeskip, Hawkins' ability could operate on people located multiple grooves apart
And thus technically, post-timeskip Hawkins could have easily have been able to place his dolls supplies far out Law's reach even in case he wanted to attack them instead of him, and thus essentially making him then immune to Law's regular/range room slashes since he'd be able to redirect them to anyone of his doll supplies infinitely without losing any doll, with Law needing close range named attacks reduce his doll supply
But not only, he never used that aspect of his ability somehow, but he decided to somehow not replenish his doll supply, only coming with the 3 live of Law's subordinates outside of his own
And the worse thing is that even those doll supplies ended up released at the cause of Law's capture, a moment when Hawkins could have killed Law anytime, but decided to keep him alive for interrogation purposes instead.
Resolution which due to betrayal of mysterious guy(clearly Drake) ended up playing against his favor, since he ultimately ended up facing Law with no doll supply available
3- Preskip Hawkins again had a last ressort technique that he used against Kizaru when he was running out of dolls. His goma no sou
Yet somehow never used it against Law? Also considering this ability allows him to sprout straws over his body, shouldn't it technically allow him to reattach his limbs even in case he was split by Law's ability?