Questions & Mysteries Why wouldn't there be a Gum-Gum fruit?

How long did Oda have the Nika reveal planned?

  • from the start

  • since skypiea

  • since the timeskip

  • like one month before it happened

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You're telling me nobody in history ever imagined a guy made of rubber?
We've already seen that mythical zoans can have redundant powers with existing fruits, e.g. Catarina's stupid fox fruit works exactly the same as Bon Clay's transformation power.
You're telling me nobody ever imagined a rubber guy who wasn't also a "sun god?" Is Oda fucking stupid?

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You're telling me nobody in history ever imagined a guy made of rubber?
We've already seen that mythical zoans can have redundant powers with existing fruits, e.g. Catarina's stupid fox fruit works exactly the same as Bon Clay's transformation power.
You're telling me nobody ever imagined a rubber guy who wasn't also a "sun god?" Is Oda fucking stupid?

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I'm sure there is
I mean
The human Jacket fruit is also there
Also Buggy fruit that i don't want to explain any further....
1 there could still be a rubber devil fruit

2 i want to say since the beginning, but considering how short oda originally planned for OP to be, i kinda doubt, although he might have had it as an idea not fully fleshed-out or planned to be used. that being said even if the nika thing didnt happen i still think oda would come up with another reason for luffy to basically do everything he already does in g5 but the reason would be...fucking bullshit, basically (i dont think nika is bullshit), uhh, just like all the other Gears, and I'd be perfectly fine with it.

The only things I don't like about Gear 5, neither of which are meta, are the inconsistent stamina/time limit dealio and luffys insane hax-based endurance/durability.

3 doubt but itd be kinda funny if imu had the actual rubber fruit
The only things I don't like about Gear 5, neither of which are meta, are the inconsistent stamina/time limit dealio and luffys insane hax-based endurance/durability.
Oda fell into the classic shonen trap of writing a power with some "I can only use x times per day!" or "it makes me really tired!" limitation to create a little fake tension in a fight. Only issue is he did this like five minutes before dropping Luffy in an arc where he needs to use it constantly. Wrote himself into a corner so bad he had to have kizaru bring luffy a hot meal