Questions & Mysteries Will at least 4 SHs possess CoC

Will there be at least 4 SHs (Including Yamato who will be a SH) with CoC

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Yamato is probably the third. I like Franky but he probably won't get it
Yamato definitely has CoC yeah. She did display it when she striked Ulti with Thunder Bagua and during her clash with Kaido.

But maybe you just mean she will join therefore being the third xd


The Road To Harmony
Adding Yamato would be 3. Aside from them, Usopp and Sanji seem like the favorites. I'll say Usopp is more likely due to several of his lies alluding to Conquerors, as well as Elbaf being a potentially significant arc for him in the way Wano has been for Zoro thus far.
The Straw Hats are meant to be the Greatest Pirate crew that ever existed. Would be extremely suspect if they didn't have at least equal to or a greater amount of Conquerors on the crew in comparison to the Roger Pirates.
Only sanji is capable to achieve CoC.
He is a monster compare to every other strawhat that is below him and always fight the third strongest.
He will fight against an admiral in the future so if someone else gets CoC it should be him.
Ussopp will get CoA in elbaf and that's it, no king's for him.
Luffy, zoro, yamato. Thats it i dont see anyone can get coc except jinbe his loyalty to luffy and and multiple times said he ready to die for luffy and he is former captain and strongest fishman too, other than him no one worthy for coc and it would be insult to have gag charactwr to have coc.
Oda has already foreshadowed with ussop having it he will get in elbaf also Sanji will get it not the advanced but at least the normal
Roger's crew never had 4 CoC users.

They had 3, if you count Oden.

Shanks was a fucking kid who was trash in every manner during his time with Roger. He unlocked his stuff way later.