Character Discussion Will Katakuri Be Much Stronger the Next Time We See Him?

How strong will be EoS Katakuri?

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Magic Sword, Magic Swordsman, and Can Cut Anything
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Zoro Worshipper
Hmm what stops us to think that perhaps Akainu's haki further blossomed during his breath taking fight with Aokiji? After all he is supposed to constitute a very important villain so Oda might inflate him and this so would sound more plausible than not to me as a logical explanation.
Don't know if he's coming back stronger in the canon story, all I know is that he's some days of training and a little hint from his Mother away from being one of the most powerful close quarter combatants in this manga.
That's some serious plot tbh. BM as his mother could have just told him how to use advCoC and they woulf have been near unstoppable together.

Same with an alternative version of Yamato btw
Probably but not because he just randomly got a boost in everything but the way he actually thinks of fighting. Once he stops limiting himself to tryna be perfect that itself will probably help him get stronger.

After seeing luffy constantly getting beat down (by him lol) but still getting up he's probably gonna do something similar. Letting himself fall, not wearing the scarf, and finally being 100% his true self behind and in front of closed doors

Tho maybe hed even try and teach himself similar abilities to bound and snake man too
Do people really want to see Katakuri fight Luffy again? After he rolled over for Luffy, he’s not really rival material anymore since he willingly lost. Katakuri can come back as an ally, which doesn’t require him to be significantly stronger. He’s not going to be Luffy level again. Luffy has bigger enemies theres no need to rehash old fights. I’d be surprised if Lucci ever fights Luffy on an equal level again, too, but at least enough time has gone by in That case for his gains to be semi-believable and he’s part of the world government putting him in opposition to Luffy.

and no, Him having coc doesn’t matter. AdvCOC is meant to be a Luffy power up. It’s extremely rare and everyone who has COC awakened isn’t going to have AdvCOC.
I was answering the question to the poll on if Katakuri will grow stronger in the future and I say yes there, but I go on to say that he'll never be stronger than Sanji. I say this because I'm of the belief that Sanji will be equal to or stronger than Yamato in future arcs as it parallels how Oden went even with Scopper on Roger's crew. And I know for a fact Katakuri won't be stronger than Yamato based off what we saw her do on the roof.

In fact I'd argue Sanji currently probably beats Katakuri. Not only does he have invisibility, (which I believe can somewhat help against future sight) but he also has an affinity for observations haki. On top of that his raid suit is extremely durable. Add the fact that Sanji himself can take a lot of damage as well. Not to mention Sanji is also capable of burning Katakuri's mochi (mochi isn't resistant to fire as we saw). Though I do see Sanji and Katakuri at about the same level. I believe Sanji will beat Queen easier than most people think and go on to help the crew against Kaido later on in the arc.

Now that's just current Sanji, we still have more to come from Sanji with his body acting weird putting on the raid suit. So that's another upcoming power-up, whatever it is. Then to top it off I know Sanji will get to a point where he uses conquerors in his attacks in later arcs.

Katakuri is simply the Vergo of his arc. Insanely strong for his time, but just a stepping stone. He was beaten by a Luffy without conquerors attacks, without ryou, could not hit a base Luffy with his drill mochi attack until Flampe helped him.