Questions & Mysteries Will Zoro and Sanji unlock CoC in this arc?



It seems to be certain that at least one of the Yonko commanders have CoC haki Katakuri has it and you can bet King and even Queen might have it as well , Roger has Oden and Rayleigh in his crew who has , and we know that Zoro and Sanji are going to be the strongest after Luffy as they always were. so without doubt they will unlock it at some point . do you think it is possible that they will unlock it in this arc. they are going to fight CoC user anyway.


and to be honest i don't expect every CoC user will be able to use it like Luffy , Sengoku , and others were confirmed to have but they didn't use it really effectively .
Shinjao and Doffy's use of seems to be little different than Luffy's , Chinajo for example put his hand together before he used it , doffy act wiredly as well , Luffy uses it just by staring