''Darkness give me strength!"
You are Zuraal!
[Passive - Void Infusion] Zuraal is infused with void energy, granting him a 25% chance to pierce through a target's passive defenses when performing the faction kill.
[Passive - Ethereal Phasing] If Zuraal is hit by a kill his death will be delayed for a cycle. He will however be unable to use more then 2 abilities that following cycle. Cannot vote in Lylo.
[Passive - Void Splash] If Zuraal targets the same player twice in succession the 2nd time he will also affect players visiting his target as well.
[Passive - Nether Veil] Zuraal is always surrounded in a shroud of darkness, he is immune to rolecrushes.
[Active - Void Eruption] Zuraal may activate this ability to roleblock the lowest 5 posters in the game for a phase, he will also learn of one of each of their abilities and what it does.
(1 shot).
[Active -Void Eclipse] Zuraal may activate this ability to prevent all players but his mafia from using their abilities. Usable 4 day or later.
(1 shot)
[Active -Void Nova] Target a player and janitor them, rendering them unable to revive and you learn their role.
(1 shot)
[Active -Void Spear] Target a player and RPS them, if you win kill them.
( 3 shot)
[Active -Void Frenzy] Target a player and give them double action.
( 1 shot)
Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Void and Naga Mafia