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The End and the Beginning
Why is my name in that list? What’s going on?

Please don’t send any negative abilities or kills my way. But do send an investigation if you have. I’m willing to cooperate in any way so that I’m not misunderstood. Thank you.
No, we don't need any investigations. Worst checked the wagon on God of Mafia, not including him there were 4 players Guilty on there. Blue is one, the rest is the list you see there. So if it's not you, then from your perspective it has to be Soul/Xlaw/Jinri. The only co-operation needed is you getting those three flipped.
I dunno. I think he'll be vulnerable as a minimum
Was expecting a writeup to say he was failed to be summoned, and gets removed.

Brann's Beard is the Light.


When were you under the impression this game is..
Dragon Slayer’s Shortbow [Legendary] was used to superkill @T-Pein™ / Drakos the Interrogator

''The prisoners shall not go free. The word of Malygos is law!''

You are Drakos the Interrogator!

[Passive - Malygos’s Laws] At the start of each day Drakos may post a WU listing three rules that all players in the thread are supposed to follow.
---Active - Jailed and Interrogated--- Any player that breaks all three rules can be jailed by Drakos that night, they are immune to any actions during that time and cannot use any actions themselves. He can ask them whether or not they’re a mage and they must give an answer. If they lie then they’ll be role-blocked the next day phase.
---Time to die--- Drakos may choose to execute his prisoner, killing them through immunities, however if they are not a mage he will lose Malygos's Laws and Jailed and Interrogated, and be unable to restore them back.

[Passive - Punishment] Once a cycle, Drakos may punish anyone who refused to claim information about themselves or their actions to him or one of his teammates. They will lose their vote power for the day.

[Passive - Draconic Empowerment] Drakos will know of every kill that targeted his team in any given phase, additionally he will regenerate any destroyed passive and or active ability a cycle later, with the exception of his jailing ones should they be lost for executing a non mage.

[Active - Stand Guard] Drakos can order his guards to watch over one of his teammates for a phase, protecting them from all actions for it’s duration. Anyone who targets them with a negative action will have it bounced back at them in retaliation.

[Active - Sweet Sweet Tears] Nothing tastes better than the salty tears of an enemy. Drakos can use them to refill himself or another player. [2-Shot]

[Active - Crack the Whip] Drakos is a frightening presence, especially with his whip in hand. He can use said whip to “encourage” another player to perform better, upgrading their next action.

[Active - Into the Arena] Minigame. [1-Shot] Locked.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Azure Dragonflight Mafia!

Also, If anyone in the list that worst has mentioned flipped townie, then abandon the line of thought you peeps have regarding having any accuracy in invest list he has provided and don't let an indie order you around imo lol.
Also, If anyone in the list that worst has mentioned flipped townie, then abandon the line of thought you peeps have regarding having any accuracy in invest list he has provided and don't let an indie order you around imo lol.
Just wanted to clarify, anyone in that list besides me flips townie then abandon the line of thought.


The End and the Beginning
Also, If anyone in the list that worst has mentioned flipped townie, then abandon the line of thought you peeps have regarding having any accuracy in invest list he has provided and don't let an indie order you around imo lol.
What does me being Indie have to do with this? This is the second such list Worst has provided, the first checked out. If two flip town then we obviously abandon it, until then you ride it out. It's specifically investigating guilty, too, though I expect anyone in there who does investigate guilty to have said so already.

Brann's Beard is Holy.

Mashiro Blue

𝓦𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝓾𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓪 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻 ✰


The End and the Beginning
Okey, looks like most azure dragon is outed then, what do we make of little sheep zolo acting like a clown when gom was getting voted?


Zolo is in that backburner slot. Could be a Jester, could be trolling. An investigation his way wouldn't go amiss. But until then, that PoE should be the focus. Which currently sits at:


*Jinri should only be included if any one of Soul/Xlaw/Kagura flip Town.

Brann's Beard is grateful.


When were you under the impression this game is..
Shattering throw was used on ???

Spellbind was used on ???

Searing beam was used on ???

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