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No dude... that's a bike...!!
A stormy night!

Charge was activated

Whirlwind was activated

Mortal strike was used on ???

Time heals all wounds was used on ???

Mighty Cleave was used on ???

Follow the trails was used on ???

Gourmet was activated

Spellbind was used on ???

Serrated blades were used on ???

Game Hunter was used on ???

High Elf hunter was used on ???

Discerning eye was activated

Arcane shot was used to kill ??? but it failed!

Focused Iris was used on ???

Shattering Throw was used on ???

Lifebinder was activated

Potent Pheromones was activated

Arc Lightning was used on ???

Pulsating Shockwave was used on ???

Time to die failed.

Planar anomaly was activated

Sweet Sweet Tears was used on ???

Frozen Pathway was used on ??? and ???

Coldflame was used on ???

Tail Smash was used on ???

Plasma shield was used on ???

Breath of Sindragosa was used on ???

The Scourge Mafia attempted to kill ??? but failed !

Let There be Light was activated

@TheAncientCenturion has been revealed as The Lich King!

The Azure Dragon flight Mafia has killed @ConquistadoR /Mimiron

Mind Blast has killed @Cinera / Varok Saurfang , Bone Slice has killed @Cinera / Varok Saurfang, Frosmourne Hungers killed @Cinera / Varok Saurfang.

The Scourge Mafia has finally found its master!

Welcome to Wintergrasp !

Wintergrasp Fortress is an ancient Titan stronghold built to protect the Vault of Archavon. First 20 players who quote this message will enter a R/P/S Tournament.

@Reborn has replaced @Juice

@SoulKiller has replaced @LANJI CUCKSMOKE

Day 2 begins, you have 48 hours to discuss!



No dude... that's a bike...!!
"If Mimiron dies while protecting one of his jester friends"

assuming ultra is yogg sharon, he is one of those jester friends lol

or if TAC is saying that he tried killing mango, maybe mimicon died to protect mango

so mango is yogg sharon?


No dude... that's a bike...!!
[Active - Charge] Varok will charge headfirst into battle, calling for everyone to keep their eyes on him. As such he may activate this once during the game to become the targetted of all actions for a phase.[1 shot]

hope this wasnt used, it kinda harms town more than scum xd


I will never forgive Oda
[Active - Charge] Varok will charge headfirst into battle, calling for everyone to keep their eyes on him. As such he may activate this once during the game to become the targetted of all actions for a phase.[1 shot]

hope this wasnt used, it kinda harms town more than scum xd
Same, we’d have a dead Mango if I hadn’t been fucked with


Lead them to paradise.

Hear me mortals! And heed my master's commands! Today you shall follow these 3 rules or you will be punished:

1. before every post must say shiver me timbers, ekko stank and get no sexual relations
2. no fluff posting
3. no voting

Stand guard was activated

Player List:
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