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Okay, this will be the last time I tell you this. Before your action, tell us your target, so if something happens, like it reflects and kills you, we know who it's on. I'm getting tired of seeing you send kills on people and then telling us after the fact. And frankly I don't know why scum haven't killed you yet either.

Brann's Beard is very wise.
My actions can't kill me even if they reflect back to me.....

And they obviously didn't killed me cuz I'm by far not a threat.....
Good morning, of course I'm not going to tell you that

Could you claim in full please
Lind‘s full claim is there:

I have two passive abilities:
- If I am hit with a positive action I am put into a neighbor chat with a player.
- I can reflect the first negative action that hits me every cycle.

My active abilities are:
- I can investigate the current zone and be notified of any hostile actions that hit a player within the zone directed towards another within the same zone.
- I have a a conditional active that lets me target a player each night, and if they’re Tyrande whisperwind, some character in WoW that my character has an intense relationship with, I start a chat and protect them permanently through the game.
- I have a 1-shot amp.
- I have a 1-shot super kill that is locked until Day 5 and the condition for it is to put a player into a post restriction and upon them breaking it it super kills the player through immunity.
- I have another ability that is locked.

My actions:
- I used my active ability to search for Tyrande night 1, but that failed since it hit Cinera.
- My other active failed likely due to Cinera using his lightening rod.

- Night 2 I targeted Broki with the ability to find Tyrande, but nothing happened.
- I used my one - shot amp on my other active to amp to give me the flavor names of all the players in Howling Fjord:

Varian Wrynn,Arthas, Brann Bronzebeard, Loken, Rhonin, Dranosh Saurfang, Freya, ,Drakos the Interrogator, Urom and Eregos were in the same Zone as you my Queen.
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