I have two passive abilities:
- If I am hit with a positive action I am put into a neighbor chat with a player.
- I can reflect the first negative action that hits me every cycle.
My active abilities are:
- I can investigate the current zone and be notified of any hostile actions that hit a player within the zone directed towards another within the same zone.
- I have a a conditional active that lets me target a player each night, and if they’re Tyrande whisperwind, some character in WoW that my character has an intense relationship with, I start a chat and protect them permanently through the game.
- I have a 1-shot amp.
- I have a 1-shot super kill that is locked until Day 5 and the condition for it is to put a player into a post restriction and upon them breaking it it super kills the player through immunity.
- I have another ability that is locked.
My actions:
- I used my active ability to search for Tyrande night 1, but that failed since it hit Cinera.
- My other active failed likely due to Cinera using his lightening rod.
- Night 2 I targeted Broki with the ability to find Tyrande, but nothing happened.
- I used my one - shot amp on my other active to amp to give me the flavor names of all the players in Howling Fjord:
Varian Wrynn,Arthas, Brann Bronzebeard, Loken, Rhonin, Dranosh Saurfang, Freya, ,Drakos the Interrogator, Urom and Eregos were in the same Zone as you my Queen.