General & Others Worst OP takes on the forum


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Worst take i said was ZkK.

Initially I was only into Zoro will scar kaido but then my innocent pure hearted soul fell into the traps laid down by @nik87 and @HA001 and I got brainwashed by their constant narrative and became ZKK boi.


Second worst take I think I said was BB will neg diff law. Well it's not worst because after all it was still a low diff off screened for law :blobevil:
Worst takes are or were :

Left hand doesn't exist / scopper is irrelevant
Sanji < Lucci
Shanks < Kaido
Goroseis aren't top tiers
2 Admiral < 1 yonko
Kuzan being underrated in general (he's Pirate king level material)
Katakuri > queen cuz of headcanon made up yc1-2-3 system
Coby < Jinbe lmao