Sign-up WorstGen Memes Mafia 1: Boys Vs Girls [Deck-building; Semi-Open]

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What could have been...
I won't play sorry. I have many things going on in my life and I'm not even sure I will keep browsing this site for long considering the way the manga was processed.

But thanks for the tag mister Ekko.
ah rip then
dont leave us for good. drop every now and then for smaller games
take care m8


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One

yo come play this one and bring rhea too lol

when r u guys hosting urs?
We will host by October or Nov. (Don't remember the month lol)

I am in. You can also put me in girls team if you are unable to reach desire number.

And, I don't think rhea will play..not sure. She is busy IRL and inactive


What could have been...
We will host by October or Nov. (Don't remember the month lol)

I am in. You can also put me in girls team if you are unable to reach desire number.

And, I don't think rhea will play..not sure. She is busy IRL and inactive
i'll put u as boy for now lol

Haven't played a mafia on this site before can i still join?
absolutely come on in


What could have been...
i'll initiate the gender's main PM's so gender's can start discussing among themselves from this moment on and get plenty of time to do so

I will not add players who displayed willingness to play for the other gender (for now), just in case they r needed to swap over


Bad timing. While despite not being in the mood for more mafia games I wouldn´t like to let my husbando sisters down but I simply don´t have enough time in August (as I already stated before in the sign up threads for the OP game and Ultra´s round), unless the girls wouldn´t mind me being a rather useless low-posting canon fodder this time.

Nice Junko role though.
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