General & Others Would've Rooftop 5 vs 2 been better story-wise, with this certain change?

The rooftop was an absolute garbage fight. It was a 5v1 and yet for some reason, every character attacked 1 at a time instead of ganging up on kaido and linlin, like you would expect from a tag team.

Also, Luffy had beef with Linlin, but never did anything to her. Kid had beef with Kaido, but never did anything to him.

feels like Oda did the bare minimum to give payoff for the hundreds of chapters he spent building up supernova vs kaido,
Oda will never have Luffy straight up punching a women,

This is why he said Big Mom.would pay for zapping Zoro with lightning and then proceeded to hit kaido right after.
I'm ngl I don't like the way it was handled

Killer was given top of WG portrayal (put alongside the other 4) but did fuckall during the fight and his final fight of the arc was against Hawkins (terrible)

If we had stayed on the Rooftop then they all could've been given relatively equal portrayal

Also make it an actual team fight Big Mom literally did nothing
i think my onky real problem with roof piece or that match up is Big mom and to a lesser extsnt Kaidous attacks had no effect even though they proved they could oneshot them all.
I'm ngl I don't like the way it was handled

Killer was given top of WG portrayal (put alongside the other 4) but did fuckall during the fight and his final fight of the arc was against Hawkins (terrible)

If we had stayed on the Rooftop then they all could've been given relatively equal portrayal

Also make it an actual team fight Big Mom literally did nothing
We could've had them eventually split into Law, Kid and Killer vs. BM and Luffy, Zoro, Yamato vs. Kaido
Just a lil change...what if Sanji joined and made it 6 vs 2?

So maybe first off there would be scrambles and ganging and switching up the opponents randomly, and then it changed to (for example):

Zoro - Law - Kidd vs Kaidou
Luffy - Sanji - Killer vs Big Mom

And finally it switched again to become

Luffy - Sanji - Law vs Kaidou
Zoro - Kidd - Killer vs Big Mom

And at some point King, Queen and Hawkins interfere with Zoro, Sanji, and Killer


Luffy vs Kaidou

Kidd vs Big Mom

Law vs Greenbull (arrived at Wano to capture Law for Ope2) or something


Will 6 vs 2 be better story-wise and felt more fitting as the struggle against 2 Emperors? Compared to 5 vs 2?

I agree that Sanji should join the roofpiece . Oda just mess up Sanji with black maria plot since nobody stalling black maria before her fight with robin.

But, the animation for roofpiece is so damn fireeeee . If oda continue this type of animation, then Luffy vs Kaido will be the best fight after all in OP history .
On the roof, Luffy and Zoro vs Kaido. Kid, Killer and Law dealing with Big Mom and her homies. Also have Hawkins on the roof waiting on that prediction he was talking about earlier.

Sanji would fight King. Drake and Chopper would fight Queen.