Your son and daughter are both drowning and you can only save one

I think most people would choose their daughters. I get the feeling most men are wired to prioritize women's safety. You know..."Women and Children first".
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Least unhinged 2021 Yubel thread be like:
This forum is boring as fuck right now. We need people like Yubel and Bob74 back.
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Okay, so, what exactly is the goal here? What do you expect us to say? Because it seems obvious we can't say either option, it'd be terrible either way, because we'd lose a child either way. So what's the point?
OP is perma banned.
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That's literally the basic thing they teach you if you learn swimming.
Yep, dive underneath them and get their backs so they don't drown you alongside them. Swimming class 101. At least that was what i was taught.
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Bro I had 3 classmates who were 23 when I was 19 back then. One was in a addiction institution because of drugs, the other two fucked up in school. But they all finished school with good grades in the end. My school was kinda weird, our teachers smoked with their students and borrowed cigarettes from them :suresure:
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