The strength of the Scabbards varies massively, the only characters that matter here are Ashura Doji, the Duke, and Nekomamushi. The rest are clearly inferior. The Kappa is featless against relevant characters so forget him for a moment. I doubt Zoro was clear cut above those 3 guys at the beginning of Wano, he hadn’t done much limit breaking pre Wano to get that significant of a jump. And by jump I mean if you use Doflamingo as the measure.
Jack’s portrayal is above Doflamingo’s, he’s most likely stronger, Shutenmaru was comfortably giving Jack problems, and the Cat/Dog duo was fighting pretty much on par with Jack for half a day each. In 12 hours of fighting he couldn’t do any substantial damage to either of them (a relatively fresh Jack fought a fresh Nekomamushi for 12 hours straight before the significance of the shift switches kicked in). More or less these guys are hovering around the Jack ballpark. Makes sense too, however low you think Capone is in the pecking order of Worst Gen Supernova, he was shitting his pants from Nekomamushi’s presence alone. Doubt he would react that way even to Luffy, so that says a lot. Given these things It makes sense that someone (most likely) stronger than Mingo couldn’t do anything noteworthy to those 2, given 12 hours of fighting individually. Think about what that means, most characters with any significant gap can assert their dominance given minutes, let alone half a day. It says a lot about the two that Jack couldn’t do that given that much time. No way to really tell how much the duo fell off after losing limbs so I’m gonna assume Ashura Doji is around the same level as Cat/Dog pre limb loss (honestly he did more to Jack in much shorter time so that’s being generous, he could very well be above the two, he probably has the best portrayal among the scabbards living on Wano to say the least [
Having established Cat/Dog/Shutenmaru somewhere around Doffy (possibly above) using Jack as the basis, it wouldn’t be honest to think Zoro was always clear cut stronger than them. The last major arc Zoro was in, we saw what Doflamingo was doing to the likes of Law, and even Luffy. Makes little to no sense to think Zoro would randomly be above Doflamingo (or even that close) when Law looked like child’s play, and Luffy was a few people shy of getting the entire planets population to charge a spirit bomb for him. So, the only other option we’re left with under the premise that Dog/Cat/Shutenmaru ~ Doflamingo is that Zoro got a pretty massive boost from Dressrosa to the beginning of Wano, to the point where he pretty much surged past the likes of Jack who couldn’t assert his dominance over those guys. And I just have a hard time believing he saw such a boost post Pica, and even a harder time believing he was already at that level during Dressrosa when Law/Luffy were getting their asses kicked.
tl;dr: Was possibly stronger than Cat/Dog post limb loss (no way to confirm really), almost certain he was below Ashura Doji and likely below Cat/Dog pre limb loss.