Speculations Zoro fans should drop the manga

Oda had given Zoro better treatment compared to any other character. Zoro interfered with Luffy's 1v1 against Kaidou even when he was not supposed to, since Luffy vs Kaidou is a battle for PK.

Imagine Vista, Cracker, The Scabbards, Shanks, Big Mom, Shiryu, Smoothie, King all helped Zoro and together fight Mihawk for Zoro to become WSS. Thats what Luffy suffered right now since Oda wanted to give Zoro spotlite even when it intervene with Luffy vs Kaidou as battle for PK.

And even with each powerups, Oda still make Luffy lose again and again, be it against Katakuri or against Kaidou. Did Zoro have any such thing against King? Get new CoA then lose, after that get CoC basic then still lose, and finally get CoC infusion then still lose against King? No such thing.

And even after interfering with his captain's battle against Kaidou, and still favored by Oda and given the blessing of biggest asspull in the world - even more ridiculous than Luffy's G5 - which is Zoro getting CoC infusion in matter of minutes without even CoC training during the 2 year timeskip? Even after that, ZKK still has the possibility of happening. Can you imagine Vista is the one executing Mihawk after Zoro defeat Mihawk? Or even worse, after beating Mihawk, Zoro faints exhausted but Mihawk wakes up again after that and want to kill Zoro, but Vista executes Mihawk instead?

So don't worry i guess, since Oda treat Zoro the best.
You're on to something

Zoro fans should drop the manga.

Zoro VC despite the millions of clues, Oda does not say it out of fear.

Zoro and the ZKK, despite the millions of clues, Oda does not do it because he is afraid that Luffy will be totally obscured

Zoro and the wings, this Oda did it because the children started crying, even Sanji's voice actor.

Oda is treating Zoro like shit
It is too late for me, I have already wasted more than a decade on one piece. At this point I just want to see the ending, So I will stay here till then.

I won't be surprised if Zoro role is over in this arc, I would just be disappointed like I have always been since the time skip. ODA did a similar thing to Sanji in his own arc, Poor Sanji was busy making nonsense cake while Luffy was taking all the glory. What a joke it was, truly it was very saddening moment for me as a Sanji fan.

At this point other than Luffy, ODA doesn't really care much about other straw hats. Just look at the tobi roppo even after all the hype they were fodders, Tobi roppo vs straw hats was not only rushed but was also lame.
Sanji doing a cake is in his character lol.

Nothing aint wrong, if you and people dont understand it, you have failed to see who they are.