Speculations Zoro is ready to fight Hawkeyes post Wano


Zoro Worshipper
Current Zoro should be able to push Mihawk to mid diff. And either Elbaf or the Final War is where Zoro can finally challenge Mihawk to a duel.
I would suggest by the end of his fight with Shiryu which will presumably come into existence earlier then we will finally likely witness a Zoro that has surpassed Mihawk. I would love if he surpassed Mihawk whilst they were actually clashing however, that would prove the epitome of grandiosity.
Current Zoro should be able to push Mihawk to mid diff. And either Elbaf or the Final War is where Zoro can finally challenge Mihawk to a duel.
Unless there's a massive plot twist ahead, I still think Zoro vs Mihawk happens after the Final War, tbh.

I feel uncomfortable with the prospect of a Zoro vs Mihawk rematch when Zoro's nameless attacks cannot slice off mountains and tsunamis yet.