Character Discussion Zoro - The Ultimate - Oda's Most Powerful Character

Is it fair for Zoro to have Asura?

  • Yes, people can handle it.

  • No, it is way too overwhelming.

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What will be your excuse? :yasu:

My man! :cheers:
For that Luffy would need to hit near Kaido' skin instead of punching him directly.
Which is retarded since that would be like a paper cut which have no use at all aside from making Kaido more ugly.

Well, I guess that's the best you can come up with. Zoro's best feat vs Kaido is making him more ugly :steef:


Kitetsu Wanker
For that Luffy would need to hit near Kaido' skin instead of punching him directly.
Which is retarded since that would be like a paper cut which have no use at all aside from making Kaido more ugly.

Well, I guess that's the best you can come up with. Zoro's best feat vs Kaido is making him more ugly :steef:
I didnt expect a real excuse but thanks for trying anyway.


Custom title
No matter how strong Zoro gets Luffy will always be stronger at the end and chapter 1010 shows us the limit of Zoro him having CoC is sure hype (and not a surprise) but the fact that he still he's not aware of even having CoC (let alone use it as he pleases ) means everything.....while luffy is now able to use it without too many problems (it seems)


Despite obsessively working towards his dream, Zoro is the best when he fights for someone else.
What point is there in just being the best person alive at swordfighting if you don't actually use that skill of yours for a purpose?
The purpose of protecting people you care about is among one of the highest imo.
Post automatically merged:

What do you think is his weakness? If he has some he should have shown it against these two Emperors, no?
I mean character wise, not his strenghth


Zoro Worshipper
Zoro has shown to be consistently relatable to Luffy throughout the story in Pre TS when it comes to PL.

- Whisky Peak, they were clashing equally relying on similar resources
- Enies Lobby since G2 Luffy would have probably mid diffed Kaku given he low diffed Blueno and Zoro low low diffed Kaku despite Kaku still standing in good health conditions. G3 was particularly potent but not that brillant in execution time. Not to mention that Zoro was extensively enduring and G2 provoked stamina limitations.

Now we see what's occurring in Wano:

- Zoro blocking for a while and tanking an attack meant to be most likely stronger than Luffy's strongest KKG and probably much faster
- Luffy never proving to tank that even in Tankman which is a goofy mode
- Zoro having no G4 issues and nothing proves his Asura mode is particularly energy consuming since Hakai most likely depleted most of his energy and vitality

Blother Fertitta

Real Ni**er Blother
Kaido is not the number 1 of all times, it is Zoro!

Sincere apologies to all the Zoro fans who told me that EoS Zoro is above Kaido.
Just like the member(SalahWG) of this forum already said, Luffy picked the best people at their respective jobs for his crew. We know exactly what Zoro's job is.
I shouldnt have doubted it from the moment I saw Oda making Zoro into a demon god Asura. It's already an overkill and I hope he doesnt make it even more over the top.
As for Kaido fans, no need to feel bad about it, 2nd best of all times is still amazing, no shame in losing to someone like Zoro.

I wont force you to read much this time, I'll keep it short. Simply put, Oda made Zoro too strong.
He keeps sticking to the usual Zoro pattern - take his sword away/get him injured/make the opponent uncuttable.
In this case with Kaido, he used the uncuttable opponent and got Zoro injured by giving him the greatest defensive feat in the whole manga.
The feat is so ridiculous that it will never be bested, nothing comes even close to it.

I predicted the face-off between Asura Zoro and hybrid Kaido 8 days ago but I couldnt expect in my wildest dreams that Oda would allow Zoro to best the number one of the universe in close combat, FAIR AND SQUARE.

I expected a cheap shot, involvement of other Supernovas to distract or hold Kaido down but Oda chose to wank him to high heavens, clearly showing him as the superior among the two beasts. Several blocks, Kaido then attempts to club him down and instead ends up sliced clean.

Where do you go from there? Zoro is already a better fighter than the strongest character in One Piece, so far. The only thing left to show is Zoro having enough power to decapitate him or for Zoro to work for that through a power-up, black blade, I assume. Kaido has nothing left to offer against Zoro, he tried his best and failed.
In fact, he never managed to land a clean hit on Zoro, that's how strong Zoro is... Zoro has repeatedly treated Kaido's attacks as if they were 3rd rate, constantly getting the best of him in their exchanges, whether it is during Oni Giri or during competition of Dragon Twisters or this face-off in chapter 1010.

Zoro has consistently gotten the better of Kaido while at the same time carrying Luffy's ass as well as saving all other Supernovas from sure death from Hakai.
It gets even crazier, the doctor among Supernovas, Trao, points out that Zoro is completely broken after facing the island buster Hakai and yet ends up besting relatively fresh Kaido and ends up giving him the second permanent scar ever. No need to point out that literally every single stat on Zoro is top tier, the only improvements to come with be through Haki which is already top tier as well but can get better.

At this point, I dont think any character out there can best Zoro while in Asura, doesnt matter who it is. Asura simply is god mode, as Kaku literally said.
Oda will stick to his usual Zoro pattern which I described above in his future fights. Shiryu would usually stand zero chance against Zoro but the DF has saved his ass.
In that fight, Oda will use the pattern of injuring Zoro to a very high degree, Shiryu will cheap shot him and severely injure him. Both the injury and the possible advantage through DF(if he can clear his presence to the point that CoO cannot detect him) is what will allow Shiryu not to be negged by Zoro. That fight will be like the one against Mr1 but post-TS version. Asura will not be used against Shiryu, not need for it.

The next opponent is Kizaru. That's a fight where Asura thematically makes sense and it's hard to explain how Kizaru can stand any chance.
He is not uncuttable, I dont think Oda will take a sword or two away from Zoro nor do I think that what's saving Kizaru will be an injury.
Oda will have to come up with a special trick for Kizaru so he plausibly represents a hard fight for Zoro.
I am expecting Kizaru to multiply himself. We already saw him being able to use some mirrors to travel fast.
I think he will use those mirrors and surround Zoro with them which will allow him to either multiply through reflections or to move rapidly around Zoro.
Multiplication makes more sense if he faces against Asura because Asura is a multiplication ability as well and rapid travel is useless since Asura has no blind spot.

Whether he ends up having a big fight vs Gandhi or just a short one is hard to tell, the common thing among them is a Kitetsu sword.
The fight will probably revolve around the curse of those swords. I dont expect Asura here, it is overkill for Gandhi.
This fight will also probably happen soon after the fight against Kizaru so the way to make Gandhi a challenge for Zoro is through injuries from the fight vs Kizaru.

Finally, we will reach the big fight, against Dracule Mihawk. I think Asura thematically makes no sense here and would probably overwhelm Mihawk.
Surely, if Oda wants Mihawk to deal with Asura he will make it happen but I think it will come down to Sanzen Sekai which is what was used in their first fight.
Sanzen Sekai by itself is also a nightmare of a technique for Zoro's opponents, with 1 static and 2 rotating blades coming at you...
Our president of Crying Six, Erkek-kun thought that Zoro novel works for him, it backfired...
He thought Mihawk was weak for sweating against Sanzen Sekai, again, it backfired.
Zoro's techniques didnt change since East Blue, Sanzen Sekai is still the same move. All Mihawk did is notice how troublesome it was.
Mad props to Mihawk for withstanding it even back then, without a single scratch. I have no doubt that Zoro vs Mihawk will be the unparalleled fight of all One Piece.

Overall, I think Oda has made Zoro in too much of a monster but cant say I didnt really see it coming.
He didnt have mercy even against the world's strongest creature... Zoro should not have bested him as good as he did.
However, as predicted by my understanding of OP combat, Asura is unstoppable.

As promised, I tried to keep it short.

Do you guys agree on Zoro being brokenly overpowered?
Ridiculously underrated thread.
Luffy does choose the best for what position they are in.
If this is true, that means Asura will only be used one last time inWano?