Current Events Zoro vs King makes ZKK pointless


Zoro Worshipper
and to think that at some point people were saying zoro was down for the arc after getting hit by big mom's lightning attack on the rooftop :crazwhat:
damn the haters are really afraid right now:saden:they never learn:cantseeme:
imagine shitting on people for believing in a perfectly valid theory, you only see it when it's related to zoro :risicheck:
Big Mom literally made Enel look even worse considering how weak her lightning powers proved :myman:
More like delayed sadness 😂😂😂all the wasted moments of u coming on here saying it wouldn’t happen yet all u had to do was pay attention to the narrative
You know the narrative is luffy beating the main villain right? When has zoro ever done that?
Maybe you should read One Piece the way ur supposed to and stop changing the narrative to satisfy ur own dream of zoro being the protagonist.:lusalty:
You know the narrative is luffy beating the main villain right? When has zoro ever done that?
Maybe you should read One Piece the way ur supposed to and stop changing the narrative to satisfy ur own dream of zoro being the protagonist.:lusalty:
That’s not gonna change luffy will defeat him…. kaido upon introduction had two things set up ,in a 1v1 u bet on him and he cannot be killed along with this we know how awakenings work for zoans go look at impel down kaido cannot and will not stay down from a punch he will be awakened the scabbards themselves know kaido won’t stay down they said in 993 this fight isn’t over until his head is severed even yasuie understood this on his deathbed in chap 942 he thinks to himself for 20 long years nobody has been able to take kaidos head these are just two moments that highlight the need for kaidos head to be gone yet u say we are changing the narrative to fit our agenda hell it’s not us it’s oda dropping all these lines I haven’t said one word that’s of my own agenda I have just stated manga facts as far as when has zoro done this the only time I can think of is captain Morgan’s when zoro protected his captain but just because zoro does not have a history of doing this does not mean it can’t happen now
After seeing the conclusion of Zoro vs King, I have come to the conclusion that there is no need for ZKK to happen because Zoro vs King fulfills everything that was supposedly promised by ZKK.

  1. Zoro defeating King is a bigger feat than him merely killing kaido
If ZKK happens, zoro will kill a defeated kaido, likely by cheapshot. This is the truth and there is no way around it. Luffy is the one who is 1v1ing kaido and he is the one who will ultimately defeat kaido. As we know, King is much more durable than kaido. So then why is ZKK such an amazing feat when zoro did an arguably bigger feat when he beat king. And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying beating king is a bigger feat than beating kaido, but zoro isn't defeating kaido, Luffy is. Kaido's neck is less durable than King's body, so why is cutting it such a big deal when zoro already did a better feat?

2. Zoro already gained his Ryuma-paralleling legend by defeating King

King is a lunarian. Lunarians are viewed as gods. Zoro defeated a god, which in turn will lead to zoro becoming known as the "sword god" in wano, just as ryuma. He already slayed a "dragon" above the skies of the flower capital, just as ZKKers said he would for years. What is the point in it happening again, but with a weakened and defeated kaido?

Here's the thing, Zoro just got his big moment. He just got a massive feat and he probably got a legend to his name as well. If ZKK happens, all it will do is take away a similar moment from Luffy. Luffy vs Kaido has been portrayed as a defining part of Luffy's dream. First time Kaido defeated Luffy, "what type of king are you again". Second time Kaido defeated Luffy, "seems like you couldn't be joyboy either". Since Luffy will be PK and will be Joyboy, he needs to defeat Kaido, and it makes no sense for Oda to undermine that defeat after giving the fight such buildup.

Zoro vs King held similar relevancy to zoro's dream. Lunarians are near invincible, moreso than kaido, and Zoro smacked king so hard he took king's wing off. This fight had callbacks to kuina and zoro's childhood. Callbacks to ushimaru and ryuma as well. This is the fight where Zoro tamed enma and mastered ACoC, easily making him one of the top 5 swordsmen in one piece. This fight completed zoro's arc in wano and if you want more from him, you really need to ask yourself if this is something the story needs or if it is something you personally want.
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The baboon trainer and his army of baboons and baboon brainers have an unyielding belief and will.

As an aspiring baboon brain, I too believe that ZKK will happen :steef:
dont stoop to that level mate
thats not you
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That’s not gonna change luffy will defeat him…. kaido upon introduction had two things set up ,in a 1v1 u bet on him and he cannot be killed along with this we know how awakenings work for zoans go look at impel down kaido cannot and will not stay down from a punch he will be awakened the scabbards themselves know kaido won’t stay down they said in 993 this fight isn’t over until his head is severed even yasuie understood this on his deathbed in chap 942 he thinks to himself for 20 long years nobody has been able to take kaidos head these are just two moments that highlight the need for kaidos head to be gone yet u say we are changing the narrative to fit our agenda hell it’s not us it’s oda dropping all these lines I haven’t said one word that’s of my own agenda I have just stated manga facts as far as when has zoro done this the only time I can think of is captain Morgan’s when zoro protected his captain but just because zoro does not have a history of doing this does not mean it can’t happen now
To be honest the whole we will never be free until kaidos head has been chopped off is probably just a way of speaking and even if its not zoro isnt the only one who can do it. He still has to check up on sanji and we know how long that will take,
he'll prob get lost and stumble upon Hiyori and for all we know he only has 5 minutes left before he collapses due to 2x pain.

And why would kaido have awakening lmao wtf is zoan awakening anyways. Idk we have never seen it so as far is we know zoan awakening is hybrid form idk tho.

I have no problem with you guys believing in ZKK but you guys are sooo SURE that itll happen its insane.
To be honest the whole we will never be free until kaidos head has been chopped off is probably just a way of speaking and even if its not zoro isnt the only one who can do it. He still has to check up on sanji and we know how long that will take,
he'll prob get lost and stumble upon Hiyori and for all we know he only has 5 minutes left before he collapses due to 2x pain.

And why would kaido have awakening lmao wtf is zoan awakening anyways. Idk we have never seen it so as far is we know zoan awakening is hybrid form idk tho.

I have no problem with you guys believing in ZKK but you guys are sooo SURE that itll happen its insane.
I think it's just more likely that Zoro fans will pick up on dialogue/narrative-buildup/foreshadowing that involves Zoro because they pay attention the most to anything involving him. I've spoken with Sanji fans who have pointed out so many interesting narrative themes and tendencies that Oda does with Sanji specifically that come back again and again, but I never notice them because I don't hone in on everything Sanji-related like they do.

I'm not even saying I am fully on board the ZKK train, but recently I've looked at a lot of threads by people like @Cinera and @Den_Den_Mushi, and the sheer amount of hinting and build-up that surrounds a conflict between Zoro and Kaido in addition to the remaining Zoro plotlines that have yet to receive closure is quite striking.

I'm not gonna disagree that people constantly spamming ZKK is annoying, because I'm sure it is. But to be honest the labeling of people who believe in ZKK as "delusional wankers" is undeserved. I know there are people who just want Zoro to do it because they want him to be an invincible god and be the main character. But the actual ZKK-theory by itself is quite thought-provoking and does not base itself in making Zoro overshadow Luffy; in fact, it represents an important character moment for Zoro and it is based on a genuine understanding of how Oda builds up plot-points over time.
To be honest the whole we will never be free until kaidos head has been chopped off is probably just a way of speaking and even if its not zoro isnt the only one who can do it. He still has to check up on sanji and we know how long that will take,
he'll prob get lost and stumble upon Hiyori and for all we know he only has 5 minutes left before he collapses due to 2x pain.

And why would kaido have awakening lmao wtf is zoan awakening anyways. Idk we have never seen it so as far is we know zoan awakening is hybrid form idk tho.

I have no problem with you guys believing in ZKK but you guys are sooo SURE that itll happen its insane.
ok like i would totally understand where u were coming from about it being a way of speaking but see here is my thing oda has had this said multiple times its not like it has only been said once and at the end of the day that was odens goal far as zoan awakening goes idk if it will be a new form or just the physical buff like not staying down long only time will tell there ,all we have to go off is the impel down guards and crocodile explanation ...finally as far as being so sureeee it will happen sure oda can always go a diff route and if he does then ill hold this fat L and im sure u and others will be tagging me and others gloating but at the end of the day for now im so sure because oda keeps adding more stuff to it just when u or someone else says its not gonna happen oda keeps it going
ok like i would totally understand where u were coming from about it being a way of speaking but see here is my thing oda has had this said multiple times its not like it has only been said once and at the end of the day that was odens goal far as zoan awakening goes idk if it will be a new form or just the physical buff like not staying down long only time will tell there ,all we have to go off is the impel down guards and crocodile explanation ...finally as far as being so sureeee it will happen sure oda can always go a diff route and if he does then ill hold this fat L and im sure u and others will be tagging me and others gloating but at the end of the day for now im so sure because oda keeps adding more stuff to it just when u or someone else says its not gonna happen oda keeps it going
At the end of the day some people will believe in ZKK and some wont there is nothing we can do about

There arent many guys on this forum who can actually talk with me about zkk.

All that being said big respect for you brother.
Big Mom literally made Enel look even worse considering how weak her lightning powers proved :myman:
This makes me realize a fight between Zoro and Enel right now would look like this:

1. Enel launches a lightning attack
2. Zoro performs an En Ou technique
3. Mid-way, the lightning attack hits Zoro
4. Since it is much weaker than Indra, Zoro either no sells it or soldiers through it
5. Zoro's attack hits Enel and kills him
6. Zoro goes back to drinking sake



Zoro Worshipper
This makes me realize a fight between Zoro and Enel right now would look like this:

1. Enel launches a lightning attack
2. Zoro performs an En Ou technique
3. Mid-way, the lightning attack hits Zoro
4. Since it is much weaker than Indra, Zoro either no sells it or soldiers through it
5. Zoro's attack hits Enel and kills him
6. Zoro goes back to drinking sake

Zoro is so fast he can keep up with Enel's combat speed independently from how proficient his reactions are furthermore:crazwhat:
After seeing the conclusion of Zoro vs King, I have come to the conclusion that there is no need for ZKK to happen because Zoro vs King fulfills everything that was supposedly promised by ZKK.

  1. Zoro defeating King is a bigger feat than him merely killing kaido
If ZKK happens, zoro will kill a defeated kaido, likely by cheapshot. This is the truth and there is no way around it. Luffy is the one who is 1v1ing kaido and he is the one who will ultimately defeat kaido. As we know, King is much more durable than kaido. So then why is ZKK such an amazing feat when zoro did an arguably bigger feat when he beat king. And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying beating king is a bigger feat than beating kaido, but zoro isn't defeating kaido, Luffy is. Kaido's neck is less durable than King's body, so why is cutting it such a big deal when zoro already did a better feat?

2. Zoro already gained his Ryuma-paralleling legend by defeating King

King is a lunarian. Lunarians are viewed as gods. Zoro defeated a god, which in turn will lead to zoro becoming known as the "sword god" in wano, just as ryuma. He already slayed a "dragon" above the skies of the flower capital, just as ZKKers said he would for years. What is the point in it happening again, but with a weakened and defeated kaido?

Here's the thing, Zoro just got his big moment. He just got a massive feat and he probably got a legend to his name as well. If ZKK happens, all it will do is take away a similar moment from Luffy. Luffy vs Kaido has been portrayed as a defining part of Luffy's dream. First time Kaido defeated Luffy, "what type of king are you again". Second time Kaido defeated Luffy, "seems like you couldn't be joyboy either". Since Luffy will be PK and will be Joyboy, he needs to defeat Kaido, and it makes no sense for Oda to undermine that defeat after giving the fight such buildup.

Zoro vs King held similar relevancy to zoro's dream. Lunarians are near invincible, moreso than kaido, and Zoro smacked king so hard he took king's wing off. This fight had callbacks to kuina and zoro's childhood. Callbacks to ushimaru and ryuma as well. This is the fight where Zoro tamed enma and mastered ACoC, easily making him one of the top 5 swordsmen in one piece. This fight completed zoro's arc in wano and if you want more from him, you really need to ask yourself if this is something the story needs or if it is something you personally want.
F off.
avatar bet or stfu and gtfo

I highly doubt that Oda will let any strawhat kill other character...
And Oda is the biggest Luffy wanker , i doubt anyone other than him will defeat Kaido...
Zoro killing defeated really meh. And out of his character. Unless Kaido try to kill post fight Luffy with cheapshot..
Both scenarios are unlikely to happen
Baroque works agent: Am I a joke to you ?