Current Events “The Admirals are Celestial Dragon Dogs!”-Say Fans of Garp and Roger


The Rogue Prince
We sure about that? The WG’s peace is false and is brought about by genocide, erasing history, slavery, etc…

And I’ve never see any evidence that Garp’s brain comprehends anything outside of “muh freedom,” I don’t see any evidence that this guy sees the Celestial Dragons as a necessary evil.

Roger defending the Celestial Dragons is just completely incomprehensible. Oda seems to be hinting that God Valley was hiding some kind of treasure or whatever, but Roger protecting the Celestial Dragons was a total bitch move lol.
The story isn't trying to paint the WG as righteous in any means.
Garp is simply thinking of the greater good even though he clearly doesnt like the CDs, if the World Govt/Marines collapses the rest of the world will be in turmoil.

Roger opposed Rocks, just because he fought him doesnt mean he condones what the CDs are doing. Even if Rocks was a revolutionary before his time - Oda emphasized multiple times before (Arlong Park, FMI) that all movements for change isnt right & that the revolution must also be just.
Why he let Ace die and knows his boss love to hunt humans in non World govt island .
I am pretty sure Koby would question this to Garp if he knows what CD do at their free time ?
I perceive garp to be a pragmatic guy. He thinks that he can enact his type of justice more efficiently if he joins up with the marines but absolutely refuses to directly involve himself with the CD. At least that's how I feel Oda wants to portray this situation.
Why he let Ace die and knows his boss love to hunt humans in non World govt island .
I am pretty sure Koby would question this to Garp if he knows what CD do at their free time ?
koby would question and issho would sabotage the machine from within.

only garp and sengoku would stay in the cafeteria discussing the newest flavor rice crackers and how evil buggy is for putting bounties on the marines that never protect the civilians from the CDs :giogio:


When were you under the impression this game is..
To those that are saying Garp didnt know about the whole hunger games business, he did. He even called it their "little field trip''.
No Admiral would protect these psychos so Kong has to beg Garp to go protect the genociders lmfao.
Yes they would, come on mate. Dont be ''that guy".

Welcome back btw.
I would like hear why garp should defend celestial dragons for theses action to prevent xebec killing them.
This far beyond muh necessary evil, or muh balance of power . Ti sis nonsense s excuse to for more power by gorosei goon tell you that .

John brown is guy in American and didn’t defend slavery . John brown would kill every single celestial dragon and xebec rock would quit his pirate pirate life and follow his religion .
‘William Sherman give south pstd , and responsible cause south to lose . South fought for state rights to defend slavery ,
The list can goes on .

Celestial dragons at God valley are literally man -hunt people for sport . They literally should get death penalty for this.

If I am garp shoes I would literally kill every single celestial dragon to extinction at god valley .
Fujtoria get away from freeing the slaves in Holy land . Thank you blind man .

Garp is wuss for protect theses enslavers who literally abuse people at god valley. He can claim he does not like celestial dragons but his action speak differently.