[Passive - Too Big To Fail] - Good times come and go, but the Whopper still stands strong. Burger King is immune to death, it will always be present in the game. If successfully killed, the current holder of the role will step down as CEO and leave the game. A new CEO will take its place a cycle later after an extensive search by the board of a directors.
[Passive - Lawyer Army] - Burger King is immune to any kind of investigations in the game. Nothing can bypass this. He will always appear as a non-threat.
[Passive - Grove 50] - Having recently opened its doors on the Island, Burger King has invested enormously on this new location with the shareholders anxious from some good returns. Each player that visits this Grove will have the opportunity to grab a meal there.
--- [???] - [REDACTED]
--- [Free Wifi] - Offering free wifi as an amenity to its clients, at night players dining at the restaurant will join a [Burger King] chat where they may talk with each other during that phase.
--- [Whooper] - It's here, and it's better than ever. Empowered by it, players that grab a bite from your Whoopers may not be role-blocked nor redirected that phase. It costs a 50K Berrys.
--- [French Fries] - Players may opt for a side dish of your famous [French Fries]. The will gain an additional vote the following phase. It costs 40K Berrys.
[Active - New Menu] - Each night, Burger King may craft a new item as a special that will appear temporary on the menu the following cycle. The same item/effect may not be used twice in a row. A new item must be approved by the [Board of directors - Hosts].
--- [Ad Campaign] - Each new launch of a product, Burger King may purchase an ad slot in a write-up for 50k belly to promote its new menu.
[Active - Coupons] - To get new customers inside its doors, Burger King may give out a free coupon each phase to a target of her choice, gifting one item on the house.
--- [Go To McDonald's] - Burger King may weed out non-BK material persons. Each phase, she may target a player and ban them from the restaurant. Bans may be lifted. Any player that ends the day voting against Burger King will be automatically banned, and they must be eliminated.