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Salah is Lara Croft, one of the worst offenders on the maf faction
Salah is Lara because I checked him this DP whether he was a PT or not. Results came up that his only 2 interactions the last cycle was none other than Al and Reborn, this singles him out for being Lara.

Jinri got fucked over by me being extremely powerful vs PT memebers, which she had the unfortune of being.
@Salah WG The 2 quotes above posted by Mango is why you are being suspected. Players have been talking about Lara Croft saying she visited AL and Reborn and suspect that you brought back both AL and Reborn to life.
@Salah WG The 2 quotes above posted by Mango is why you are being suspected. Players have been talking about Lara Croft saying she visited AL and Reborn and suspect that you brought back both AL and Reborn to life.
Yeah i said i turned AL Townie before he died and i protected Reborn this DP
I literally mentioned AL myself & you guys asked Reborn to be protected which is what i did

There is no new info here, i clearly mentioned these things
I even asked Mango to watch me & invest me

500 IQ Town


Lead them to paradise.
Yeah i said i turned AL Townie before he died and i protected Reborn this DP
I literally mentioned AL myself & you guys asked Reborn to be protected which is what i did

There is no new info here, i clearly mentioned these things
I even asked Mango to watch me & invest me

500 IQ Town
Which one of these was you, don't lie please.

Obito used [Chakra Signatures] on [???], and [Copy] on [???]

Lara Croft activated [Tomb Raider]

Yun Che used [Sky Pearl] on [???]

Bouya Harumuichi used [Bodyguard] on [???]

Guren Ichinose activated [Manifestation]

Dracula used [Dark Arts] on [???], [Hypnotism] on [???], and [Vampirism] on [???]

Dracula activated [Shapeshifting]

Kumamon activated [Free Licensing]

Kozuki Oden used [Togen Shirataki] on [???]

Kei Tsukishima activated [Blocking]

Kei Tsukishima used [Feint] on [???]

Lara Croft activated [No Longer Human] to negate [No Longer Human]; @AL sama is alive, and well

Lara Croft used [Demon Bamboo] to kill [???], but failed

Lara Croft used [Import/Export] on [???]

Lara Croft activated [Grappling Hook]

Which one of these was you, don't lie please.
Dude, i don't appear in WU nor can i claim my Role or hint at it, i'm restricted from doing so
These are all things that i've mentioned before multiple times
My Role can guarantee town wins as long as i'm protected, that's why i can't reveal my identity but you guys messed up by this crush or whatever it does

But wait, does Role-Crushed mean my restrictive passive doesn't work? I can claim?


Lead them to paradise.
You mentioned these things, but you see, i trust Mango's actions on you.

There would have been no reason for him to gain any other result, as he didnt publicize his actual intentions of checking you, he jusut randomly did so.

And got that result, if you can explain to us why he got said result that would be dandy.

Also if you are Rc you can probably claim.

Ask the hosts first.
You mentioned these things, but you see, i trust Mango's actions on you.

There would have been no reason for him to gain any other result, as he didnt publicize his actual intentions of checking you, he jusut randomly did so.

And got that result, if you can explain to us why he got said result that would be dandy.

Also if you are Rc you can probably claim.

Ask the hosts first.
Are u blind?
What new info did he bring?
Yes his results are legit, and i revealed them before he did

I literally said i changed AL's wincon before he died & then Mango confirmed that i did interact with AL, so where is new Info here?
And i asked for who to protect? You guys insisted on Reborn, so i protected him

Mango proves i was truthful not the opposite


Lead them to paradise.
@RayanOO @Salah WG @SinOfGreed @Juliet @Naomi @T-Pein™

Pump up your activities guys. My threats are real.
What are you talking about? I'm very Active
Damn, he died right after he warned me!
That's suspicious
Whatever you are, you're scum.
Salah is Lara because I checked him this DP whether he was a PT or not. Results came up that his only 2 interactions the last cycle was none other than Al and Reborn, this singles him out for being Lara.

Jinri got fucked over by me being extremely powerful vs PT memebers, which she had the unfortune of being.
Your story of you protecting Reborn and Visiting Al is very convenient fam. This is the actions of the last cycle, meaning whenever he cast it till the day before.

I seem to remember you being told to protect Flower, and what happened to the people we asked you to vig?

Light only RCED you a few hours ago irc.
Oh, apparently my first post doesnt need to be about fairies but honestly my brain is fried and i have no idea what to post next. So zemmi was revived and killed again. Like wtf, can we just find this dude that keep undoing everything.
Whatever you are, you're scum.

Your story of you protecting Reborn and Visiting Al is very convenient fam. This is the actions of the last cycle, meaning whenever he cast it till the day before.

I seem to remember you being told to protect Flower, and what happened to the people we asked you to vig?

Light only RCED you a few hours ago irc.
Whatever man, this is the DP where i started playing & i wanted to make the game more engaging
Sorry town for not playing seriously, i really can't follow a 50 players game

My Role will still appear for everyone to read after i die when i'm role-crushed right?
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