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I love Zoro and in general, don't like the Zoro fandom, specifically the Zoro extremists. But I don't like to cry or see people cry about it as first of all, it's pretty unnecessary and secondly, useless. You're just making yourself look bad. Kind of same case with the Sanji fandom on Reddit.
What are you talking about?
When have you seen any Zoro fan cry about anything on this forum?

All I see is some random **** crying on reddit.


I don't agree with this. Like, Mihawk is Wss, so, above any other swordsmen but he doesn't have it.
And above who does Shanks want to be? Bc he has it.
It doesn't matter if you agree or not, it's the definition given to us by the story.

Mihawk doesn't want to be above others, he doesn't want to be the strongest, what he wants is to enjoy battles with worthy oponents.

We don't know jack shit about Shanks, so i can't tell you that, but he has conqueror's so at least we know something about him...
Numbers of attacks each supernova have dealt so far:

Coming at number 1: Luffy (5 Attacks).
-"Gomu Gomu no Red Rock".

- "Gomu Gomu Gon Kong Gun".
- "Gomu Gomu no Kong Rifle".
- “Gomu Gomu no Kong Gatling”.
- “Gomu Gomu no Rhino Schneider”.

At number 2 we have: Roronoa Zoro (4 attacks).
- Heavenly Fox Fire Style, Fire Flame Slice.

- Unnamed attack against Kaido's great wind"
- Rengoku Onigiri.
- Flying Dragon flame technique.

At Number 3 we have Kid, Law, and Killer with (2 attacks for each).
-"Decapitation Claw".
-“Kamaa Sonic”.
- “Gamma Knife”.

- "Punk Vice".
- “Slam Gibson”.

It clearly shows that Luffy and Zoro are above the rest of the supernovas so far. And Luffy is a little bit above Zoro as always portrayed.
Let's start this competition. Somebody needs to make a thread about this now.
It clearly shows that Luffy and Zoro are above the rest of the supernovas so far. And Luffy is a little bit above Zoro as always portrayed.
Let's start this competition. Somebody needs to make a thread about this now.
Luffy had 5 attacks but they didn't do shit and were wasted.
Zoro's 4 attacks were all for a purpose and accomplished more.

Zoro was MVP of last chapter and MVP of this chapter.

@Fenaker your "Feats against Kaido" thread is still active right? Zoro and Luffy are dominating, Killer is okay while Law and Kidd are eating shit.
Post automatically merged:

@MarineHQ62 Zoro vs Fujitora..Debate me.


It doesn't matter if you agree or not, it's the definition given to us by the story.

Mihawk doesn't want to be above others, he doesn't want to be the strongest, what he wants is to enjoy battles with worthy oponents.

We don't know jack shit about Shanks, so i can't tell you that, but he has conqueror's so at least we know something about him...
Then, if everyone who wants to be above others had coc, why didn't Enel have it?


Numbers of attacks each supernova have dealt so far:

Coming at number 1: Luffy (5 Attacks).
-"Gomu Gomu no Red Rock".

- "Gomu Gomu Gon Kong Gun".
- "Gomu Gomu no Kong Rifle".
- “Gomu Gomu no Kong Gatling”.
- “Gomu Gomu no Rhino Schneider”.

At number 2 we have: Roronoa Zoro (4 attacks).
- Heavenly Fox Fire Style, Fire Flame Slice.

- Unnamed attack against Kaido's great wind"
- Rengoku Onigiri.
- Flying Dragon flame technique.

At Number 3 we have Kid, Law, and Killer with (2 attacks for each).
-"Decapitation Claw".
-“Kamaa Sonic”.
- “Gamma Knife”.

- "Punk Vice".
- “Slam Gibson”.

It clearly shows that Luffy and Zoro are above the rest of the supernovas so far. And Luffy is a little bit above Zoro as always portrayed.
Let's start this competition. Somebody needs to make a thread about this now.

What a dumb argument


Then, if everyone who wants to be above others had coc, why didn't Enel have it?
Because Enel was part of the story when Oda wasn't even sure of Haki at all, he only had that one moment of Shanks versus the small Sea King at the first chapter and that was it, and we know how inconsistent Haki was during Marineford days, and that was way later than Skypiea.


Zoro Worshipper
Lets be real, in this chapter, Zoro is straight up competing with Kaido.
He is easily reacting and blocking attacks that scabbards couldn't even see.

That's some Snakeman level speeds.
Zoro even in his base is Benn Beckman level. If he has Ashura, he can probably beat Fujitora.
Do you see Zoro having developed an empowered Asura mode or even a new one? Cause Luffy himself developed a further gear, eventually the TS made it feasible for Zoro to venture new realms of potency.


@solis also, the story says it's not only the desire to be above others but also those who have the qualities of a King, such as being a good leader and stuff like that. So yeah, we had moments like that for many others, and i think both Akainu and Zoro could be a part of this group, don't know if they will, but they could. Enel wouldn't be a good leader, he's way too selfish.


Because Enel was part of the story when Oda wasn't even sure of Haki at all, he only had that one moment of Shanks versus the small Sea King at the first chapter and that was it, and we know how inconsistent Haki was during Marineford days, and that was way later than Skypiea.
Haki is still inconsistent today and the 3 "types" are rather a vague categorisation than anything else.
Oda had the outline of the World Government stuff and void century stuff already in his head a long time ago.
Lets be real, in this chapter, Zoro is straight up competing with Kaido.
He is easily reacting and blocking attacks that scabbards couldn't even see.

That's some Snakeman level speeds.
Zoro even in his base is Benn Beckman level. If he has Ashura, he can probably beat Fujitora.
Anyone that thinks otherwise is mentally retarded and need immediate medical attention and is not fit to function in society. :goyea:
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