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World's Strongest Swordsman
I never brought up the “captain trio” once dumbfuck. Why are you bringing up Law? He has nothing to do with Kidd. You quote me first with your Zoro wank and then say i need to stfu? Wow...
Lmfao why you crying for ?
because you keep saying this nonsense point about luffys underling like it means anything comparing him to others
i quote you because your lame ass doesnt know what kidd can do or even how he will hurt kaido yet somehow knows for sure he will do more than zoro which is retarded.
lmfao i dont want your feelings

tell me what hes gonna do thats more damage than zoro opening kaido up ?
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The title is also one of the main casts dream
so unless you think oda really gonna give zoro a fake dream then its legit
The problem is people are equating the title with their headcanon of who is a swordsman. I could even make the argument that Miahwk doesn't even regard Shanks as a swordsman anymore since he lost his arm.

In the Japanese he even says something to the effect of "there won't be a final decision" implying they will never know who is the better sword master as Shanks now only has one arm.

As for Zoro and his dream. Luffy's dream is to be a man just like Shanks. Which is why he is increasingly looking like him, coat and all.
Was that my point though? My thread was talking about how the fact that Since Kaido was so surprised that the scabbards hurt him, that means this isn’t something that has happened often. So there’s no way that kid or killer could’ve done it too.

My thread was about the fact that Kid and killer by chapter 1000 DO NOT HAVE ANY WAY OF DAMAGING KAIDO. And they did not.

That’s it. You’re the one who said that that’s impossible. They either ALREADY have Ryuo or they ALREADY have something else to damage kaido

And they did not

So my thread stands. But you know, I’m a Kid hater because of portrayal blah blah blah. I used basic analysis to show that Kid and Killer shouldn’t have been able to hurt Kaido, but I’m a hater because portrayal and shit. And I was right
You realize that if Kidd finds a way to damage Kaido with his fruit, then it means that he had the ability to do it in chapter 1000 right? Unless you think he’s just going to get some random power up or ability.
He did not sense Oden in the scabbards, he said they were using his kind of Ryou and that made him remember Oden.

The spoilers specifically say Kaido senses Oden in Zoro's SWORD, not that he is equating Zoro to Oden like he did the Scabbards, and Luffy.

And what battles has Kuina ever been in with Wado outside of one time she fought Zoro as a child that would constitute her being a fallen solider, whose blade retains her spirit?
What do you mean? What the difference here? If the Scabbards are using Oden’s Ryuo and Zoro is using Oden’s sword, what’s the difference? If you are saying Kaido can like sense specific souls, like he has this higher level observation haki to sense individual types of souls in objects then when he says, “Oden is in that Sword” and “That is Oden’s Ryuo”, isn’t he using his ridiculous observation haki to say that the scabbards are literally using Oden’s haki and Oden is literally in the sword.

So are the scabbards literally using Oden’s haki?

And Kuina’s trained with wado, she didn’t just pick it up for the first time when fighting Zoro, and Oda has even said in an sbs that the sword carries Kuina’s memory, so why wouldn’t it also retain her literal soul?
We were never told who won those duels. We have very little on when they stopped dueling.

He didn't put Shanks as the "strongest living." Those are figures who either defeated or bested Kaido, and we know it's more than "only a few can fight me" because Kaido and Big Mom clashed equally for days.

Are you using what you digested from Erkan's post as arguments? Please lay off whatever it is you're smoking.
They were equal per the early databook. We know Mihawk doesn't want to duel one armed Shanks. One armed Shanks in East blue wasn't a Yonko. Try reading a bit.

Yes he did. He said there are only a few who can compete with him and then saw 5 people. This isn't rocket science. It's obvious what Oda is saying.

So you have no refutation to the title boxes not being word of God? just some butthurt comment about Erkan?
i quote you because your lame ass doesnt know what kidd can do or even how he will hurt kaido yet somehow knows for sure he will do more than zoro which is retarded.
It isn’t retarded at all, it’s called using common sense. Try using it sometime. Why would Oda put him on the roof after portraying him the way he has and not make him have a way to damage Kaido? Once again this is looking at things from a writers perspective and not a power scaling one. I’m not the author, I don’t know every move Kidd has up his sleeves this is the first time seeing him really fight. I’m supposed to know exactly what he will do, and if I don’t I need to stfu? I guess I’ll stfu then, but maybe you should too since you also don’t know everything Kidd can do and yet you’re assuming he won’t do anything. See how that works dumbass?


World's Strongest Swordsman
It isn’t retarded at all, it’s called using common sense. Try using it sometime. Why would Oda put him on the roof after portraying him the way he has and not make him have a way to damage Kaido? Once again this is looking at things from a writers perspective and not a power scaling one. I’m not the author, I don’t know every move Kidd has up his sleeves this is the first time seeing him really fight. I’m supposed to know exactly what he will do, and if I don’t I need to stfu? I guess I’ll stfu then, but maybe you should too since you also don’t know everything Kidd can do and yet you’re assuming he won’t do anything. See how that works dumbass?
Why did oda put law on the roof when even his strongest attack couldnt even slow kaido down ?
duh portrayal duh writing perspective duh
and thats someone who can skip durability to hurt people unlike kidd
You realize that if Kidd finds a way to damage Kaido with his fruit, then it means that he had the ability to do it in chapter 1000 right? Unless you think he’s just going to get some random power up or ability.
Hahaha, oh you are dreaming indeed. Okay let’s wait and see how Kid pulls out a way to hurt Kaido that doesn’t involve Ryuo. Hehehehe

Btw, for a supposed kid hater, I was proposing to make Kid OP. I’m actually surprised Oda hasn’t done this. Maybe because he knows Kid would be too OP if he actually made this happen.

My proposal was to have kid simply, disarm Kaido and Big mom. Give Kid the magnetic ability to do something beside collect scrap metal. If Kid could force th weapons of yonko out of their grasps, that would make Kid capable of forcing even the Pirate king Roger’s sword of of his hand. But that’s WAYYYY top OP for kid right? And I’m just a Kid hater for suggesting that Kod could have the magnetic power to disarm the fuckin pirate king. No. Instead Kid makes a scrap metal robot and does nothing to the yonkou
Why did oda put law on the roof when even his strongest attack couldnt even slow kaido down ?
duh portrayal duh writing perspective duh
and thats someone who can skip durability to hurt people unlike kidd
1. Law doesn’t have the same portrayal as Kidd
2. Wait until the actual chapter is out before proclaiming that Laws attack was useless.
3. It’s literally the second chapter of the fight. Are you seriously assuming, Laws role is done and he won’t do anything to the Yonko for the rest of the fight?
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