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But then again, Law wondered where a Dragon's heart lies, so you cannot translate human Kaido's anatomy to Dragons. Kaido has a huge body that spans over a city, plus high recovery.
But even let assume that Law is wrong, he attack right next to the scar where his belly was lying, with mean he should at least hit other organs. Kaido make a point that his skin was to good to get hurt by such attack.
But again Law ain´t dumb, Oda ain´t use a line where Law state to hit Kaido heart only to hit sometthing else, the quote was said to make clear how insane Kaido skin was.

As @Buusatan94 said:
"Top Tiers bodies have an insane amount of resistance and endurance.
Whitebeard was able of fighting with the same strength and determination despite having his belly pierced with magma and having part of his head later ripped by Akainu, and Big Mom took lightning and Fishman Karate attacks that ignore normal resistance without being injured.

Top tiers bodies have insane amount of resistance and endurance, my post was more against people who claim that GK could one shot top tiers(and we have lot of these users). In the end GK didn´t even hurt Kaido much, as compare we have picture of Scabbards and Killer put more damage on Kaido.

Ofc Law probably have now far insane attacks with he use as his finisher, im just happy that the wank of GK can end now and we can move on.
Seeing the full spoilers, I can say ZKK might actually happen. Zoro with Enma is the most lethal combo one can ask for. Zoro has always been the one to be full of blood lust and with Enma he can go as wild as he can. You know the shit is real when a Yonko Big Mom asks for another Yonko Kaido to not tank an attack from whom they consider a brat.
And, Killer isn't out yet. He might have lost his consciousness for few moments but that's it. He will be back soon.
I'm disappointed in the way Oda used Kid so far to be honest. I was expecting more than just assembling scap metal to slam his opponents. Killer on the other hand is performing even better than I expected. I really hope it's not all Kid will do in this fight though. With all the build up surrounding him, it'd be mad disappoinring
It looks like Kid will definitely fight like Bullet,which is shame,but at least his robot looks cooler.
I'm disappointed in the way Oda used Kid so far to be honest. I was expecting more than just assembling scap metal to slam his opponents. Killer on the other hand is performing even better than I expected. I really hope it's not all Kid will do in this fight though. With all the build up surrounding him, it'd be mad disappoinring
Kidd is just warming up, he's not supposed to get focus at this stage
You'll not be disappointed


Talent is something you make bloom.
Zoro only ditched Shusui not Wado

He did it cause he wants to turn Enma black because Shusui is already black

This is the explanation you were looking for

Clear now?
What difference does it make which sword he turns black?
If he turns Enma black, is it more impressive than turning Wado black?
He is a santoryuu user. He is gonna turn all his swords black. What difference does it make if Shuusui was black already? Better for him to achieve a level where he can actually use Shuusui properly at its full potential then.
This "turn the sword black" is some serious trash plot and I have no idea why you people like it so much. Fucking retcon.
The character never needed this kinda BS super sayan sword stuff to be cool.
Dont Do this.....Skypiea is probably one of Zoro's best showings in an arc. He was the only straw hat to have 2 1v1's and was portrayed with Wiper, G and the God of Skypiea who were the strongest fighters on the Island.Outside of Luffy, Sanji did his thing but it wasn't anywhere near as hype tbh.
Whilst Zoro was in pure shock out of how strong Enel was. Sanji ate his strongest base attack and mocked him. Potrayal is clear as day.
Enma definitely is something special. Isn't Wado and Enma similar grade swords??
Maybe Oden's will is deeply entrenched within Enma!
Let's see if Kaido tries to dodge all attacks Zoro dishes out or he starts tanking it....

But really hope Zoro opens the wound Oden gave Kaido....I'll be happy if Zoro does that with multiple attacks on the same area!!
Kaidou cant even anticipate Luffy's attack speed, the payback from Thunder Bagua yea yea yea

I can sense upcoming hype of future arcs

"Don't think any element will work on him gravity...even energy...its all useless in front of his Domain of the monarch!"

"What?! Aint Domain of The Monarch is a move from the manhwa Solo Levelling?!"

"Yes but he invent the utterly superior version of that move...only using his barrier haki enveloping his own body..."

"Is it even possible to create a friction of that level of crystallized armament? To tank superheated Boro Breath? A plasma even hotter than magma?!" (Lol dramatic hype comment)

"Because somehow...he found a way to imbue his Armament with Conqueror's overcome the very spacetime continuum round him..."


"So this is The World's Strongest Existence...The Heaven's Dreadnought !! Monkey D. Luffy himself !!"

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