Ranking the Soulsborne-Sekiro Games

I would like to preface this by saying that I’ve played all of these games. I’ve defeated literally every boss in all of them. All of the main game bosses, all of the dlc bosses, the Shura ending bosses in Sekiro, and even the bull shit co-op bosses in Dark Souls 2. I have over 100 hours in every game except Demon’s Souls, and I have 160 hours in Dark Souls 3.

1. Bloodborne (w/ dlc) - 10/10
2. Dark Souls (w/ dlc) - 10/10
3. Sekiro
4. Dark Souls 3- 9/10
5. Demon’s Souls - 8.5/10
6. Dark Souls 2 - 7.5/10

Late 2024 Update: This is pretty outdated, it’s interesting how much replaying these games with different builds and challenges affects your opinon.
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1 Bloodborne
. fast appealing combat
. god tier soundtrack
. one of the best boss battles to dated(game is over 6 years ,yet still mvp in that regard)
. god tier Lore and NPC questlines and history
. worldbulding,location diversity
. additional content in chalice dungeons
. weapons variety(you will find weapon for your playstyle"sooner or later"
"Tonight, Gehrman joins the Hunt "
. magic suck(my opinion tho)
. fuck Frenzy
. bad connections to PvE
. hitboxes suck somtimes
. Pvp is dead in this game

2 Dark Souls I
. best world is Souls Series
. Artorias
. Solaire of Astora
. many bulid options(just dont be dex fag)
. for many Souls fans ,Dark Souls 1 was first game of the series when they stoped being filthy casuals and "GIT GUD"
. started trend of SOULS like Series so we could games like (Nioh,Hollow Knight ,Code Vein itp )
. this feeling when you get fucked by everywone and everything on your first BLIND playthrough
. Anor Londo Archers
. Lore

- (is there any ?)
. slower combat thasn DS3 and Bloodborne (many people dont like this)
. hummanity healing system
. PvP chains backstabs and 1 hour fights
. if you are beginner Giant Dads will fuck you up
. hitboxes
. Bed of Chaos and Demon Ruins

3 Sekiro
. BOSS FIGHTS (nuff said)
. another good Lore and World
. beatiful graphic and locations
. DIVINE DRAGON together with OST and is most gorgeous fight
. best balanced difficulity system
. shorter than the rest
. hitboxes
. no characters customization
. terror system

(in short this is fanservice game for DS I and bloodborne fans)

5 Demons Souls
. Berserk Vibes
. ok bosses
. locations
. OG of Souls Series
. Lore
. World Tendency
. magic is a easy Mode
. fuck 5.2
. healing system
. short and rushed game
. multi is dead(orginal>remaster btw)

6 Dark Souls 2
. is a Souls Game
. Ivory King was Kinda cool
. is shit game to other Souls

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
1. Bloodborne

-just perfection. Great weapons, great soundtrack, great bosses, great mobs, completely fair and amazing lore.

2. Dark Souls 3
3. Dark Souls 1
4. Demon Souls

5. Dark Souls 2

-bad and very disappointing for a souls game. While Pvp was a great improvement from DS1, the PvE was atrocious.
-trash npc quests
-boring and uninspired bosses and mobs
-very vague lore
-relies so much on swarming you with mobs that track you 180 degrees.
-So much focus on making DS2 a difficult game that they ironically made it the easiest of the souls series.
1. Bloodborne

-just perfection. Great weapons, great soundtrack, great bosses, great mobs, completely fair and amazing lore.

2. Dark Souls 3
3. Dark Souls 1
4. Demon Souls

5. Dark Souls 2

-bad and very disappointing for a souls game. While Pvp was a great improvement from DS1, the PvE was atrocious.
-trash npc quests
-boring and uninspired bosses and mobs
-very vague lore
-relies so much on swarming you with mobs that track you 180 degrees.
-So much focus on making DS2 a difficult game that they ironically made it the easiest of the souls series.
i forgot about resskined bosses for DS 2 DLC
-gank squad
- blue smelter demon
- Lud and Zallen are just resskined of Ava:suresure:
and dont me mention about dragonriders and old dragonslayer
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Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
i forgot about resskined bosses for DS 2 DLC
-gank squad
- blue smelter demon
- Zud and Zallen are just resskined of Ava:suresure:
and dont me mention about dragonriders and old dragonslayer
DS2 wasn't been made the the main Fromsoft team...

B team: quick! How do we make this game difficult!?....more enemies!!

Royal Rat Authority
Royal Rat Vanguard
Ice Tiger Pets
Throne Watcher and Defender
Gank Squad
Dukes Dear Frieija
Dragon riders
Skeleton lords
DS2 wasn't been made the the main Fromsoft team...

B team: quick! How do we make this game difficult!?....more enemies!!

Royal Rat Authority
Royal Rat Vanguard
Ice Tiger Pets
Throne Watcher and Defender
Gank Squad
Dukes Dear Frieija
Dragon riders
Skeleton lords
Yep Miyazaki started working on Bloodborne so Yui Tanimura become director for DS2 .
And because of this we got healing crystals,gank squads on every location,humanoid bosses(you fought dragonrider?here 2 for you now),
linear locations with no sense(from earthen peak elevator to iron keep),boring lore.
Not to mention fake difficulty(run to darklurker is best example)
Now i just waiting for Elden Ring.
Pls Miyazaki give us some news :josad:
1. DS1: the world building separates it from other Souls games, the map layout allows for flexibility in which area you want to tackle first.
By far the most punishing in the series, can't remember how many times I got fucked in the catacombs without being able to warp out, then you have the first Bighttown experience, going through Sens Fortress, or New Londo. This game is iconic on so many levels, the whole atmosphere is just gruesome, no instructions or guides whatsoever. Also best NPCs (Lautrec & Solaire >>>)
I've done all kinds of challenge runs, speedrun in 2 hours, did no healing/bonfire, shield only, SL1 no pyro, one shot kill run, x2 speed run etc
I barely played any game outside this franchise since DS1 release so don't be shocked by these numbers
~2000 hours purely on PVE

2. DS3: being based on DS1 is a pro, but this takes #2 solely for the PVP quality. The weapon movesets, poise system, moderate spell spam and game mechanics in general are something even Elden Ring failed to execute, this is something the entirety of the PVP community agrees on. I spent around 2000 hours on PVP since release.

3. Bloodborne: great theme, level design, lore and easily the best boss fights. PVP is disappointing though ngl, and unlike DS1 I couldn't find ways to enjoy the game after 200 hours, though the first playthrough was still exceptional nonetheless.

4. DS2: holds a special place in my heart, this was the first game I played online and did so exactly at release, this is the best time to play a souls game, the activity online is insane and the game is still unexplored so you won't have any twinks/ dark beads hobos.

Only played Demon Souls once in 2013 so can't really comment on that, didn't get my hands on Sekiro since my console broke but planning on getting one soon. Excited for Elden Ring PVE but from what I saw the PVP looks terrible.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Still haven’t had a chance to play Bloodborne

1. Dark Souls 3

I really don’t know why this one is consistently my favorite when I look back at these games…There is something about the atmosphere, story, and lore of this game that hits me right in my ***** because DS3 is the one that I played the most (NG+5, almost 300 hours) and is the one I have the fondest memories of.

Areas like the Ringed City, Irithyl, Smoldering Ash Lake, Archdragon Peak, Lothric Castle…for me, FROM never again captured the magic I felt in these places.

2. Dark Souls

I feel like this is still objectively the best FROM game even after all this time. Everything about this game is pure magic and that includes all of the jank shit like backstabs. I think I’m definitely biased towards DS3 but this one may overall have the most going for it.

3. Sekiro

My first souls game, and one of the few games I would describe as being pretty much flawless, aside from shit like the Twin Apes boss, the Headless mini boss and the other occasional weirdness. And this is the only game I’ve ever played that actually has fun swimming gameplay lol.

The only real criticism I have with Sekiro is that I feel like the exclusion of multiplayer and social features really killed the game’s replay-ability. I understand they wanted to cut these to focus on the overall experience, but I beat Sekiro twice and never looked back. I have played through Dark Souls 1/2/3 and Elden Ring at least 3 times a piece and the social aspect was definitely a huge contributor to that.

4. Elden Ring

Oh Elden Ring

For every step Elden Ring takes forward, it takes two steps backward.

Its lore is so vague that it’s difficult to even perceive what is happening most of the time. And what lore we can perceive is just the exact same lore as Dark Souls and Bloodborne, but worse.

Its world doesn’t feel like Dark Souls worlds, in Dark Souls it felt like you were invading a foreign land that was not designed for a video game and that actually did not care that you were trying to explore it. Elden Ring is a generic fantasy open world complete with video game dungeons and caves scattered throughout, each complete with puzzles and bosses for the player to solve. You’re no longer an invader in a foreign land that doesn’t care about your presence, you’re just a gamer exploring another fantasy open world.

Its bosses are a mixed bag of being a fun challenge and an overwhelming display of rage inducing bullshit.

It’s atmosphere is a weird mix of Dark and High fantasy that just feels off to me.

Elden Ring had serious potential to be the best FROM game, but it tried to reinvent the formula in areas where they shouldn’t have.

5. Dark Souls 2

I’m not even going to shit on this game. I love DS2 lol, pretty much everything about it. I acknowledge it’s flaws but love the game nonetheless.


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was inspired by @SakazOuki's list, so I decided to make a tier list of all of the bosses I've fought in Soulsborne games:

They are ordered by game in the tiers, so Alonne is better than Fume Knight but not necessarily better than Artorias for example(upper tiers are ordered better lol)

@Uncle Van @Seth @Fleet Admiral Lee Hung @Jaguark101 etc
1) Sekiro
2) Bloodborne
3) Dark Souls - Demon Souls (Demon Souls has better gameplay, DS has better levels/bosses)
5) Dark Souls 2
6) Dark Souls 3
7) Elden Ring

Overall experience + Gameplay
obviously Elden Ring has better gameplay than demon souls, 1, 2, 3, but the open world and levels suck