I just want to put something out there so that people can stop calling me a hater.
Here is what we've seen of Zoro in this fight so far.
1. Cutting Prometheus and boro breath- a definite W as it's something he previously couldn't do, but still a Kinemon level feat
2. A casual team attack that failed to do damage- that one is kind of an L.
3. An attack that, from Big Mom's reaction, was capable of seriously damaging Kaido, but he missed.
Here's what this tells us.
1. Zoro is and will continue to be key defensively for the flame cutting, as both opponents use fire and none of the others can counter it.
2. Zoro will clearly damage Kaido more than Law Kid and Killer.
3. Zoro is capable of attack power greater than what we've seen from the other Novas so far including Luffy.
Here's what it doesn't tell us.
1. ZKK confirmed
2. Zoro can one shot Kaido
3. Zoro is stronger than Luffy- Luffy is still MC and hasn't shown his ace yet. Past precedence would suggest he will still do more than Zoro.
Now about the missed slash, here's why I see it as an L. We all knew already that he had enough attack power to wound Kaido. Anyone who denied this is delusional. But I and many others assumed he had completely mastered Emma and was currently capable of using attacks capable of wounding Kaido effectively. After this chapter, based on the fact that he missed and was panting afterwards, we know we were wrong on that. Enma is clearly taking a lot out of him and he isn't accurate enough with it to use it well yet. Clearly he will before the fight is over, but this puts him currently below mine and others expectations of him, which is an L.
I don't think this is an unreasonable stance. I don't see how this means I "hate" Zoro. If you think this is unreasonable to the point that you have to be a delusional Zoro hater to believe it then I would say you're a delusional Zoro wankers.