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The official scans made Zoro's performance less impressive. His feat was grouped with the others, was less hyped(no dodge thing), and on top of that, his attack missed unlike the others :josad:
exactly what some are trying to say. All Zoro did was miss its not a big feat like people want it to be. Zoro was also winded after that slash while in punk hazard law cut off half a mountain without using a named attack or being tired after. It’s impressive but overhyped

Formerly Seth

Damn guys you are disingenuous.
You guys do know people react differently towards differing situations?
You think every single time you'd hear a Look out, you'd automatically just move back a few feet or something? No
You'd look at what would be happening and then determine what to do then.
Stop being dishonest.
You are one of the few strongest people on the planet.

The other one of the few strongest people on the planet tells you to look out.


You are one of the few strongest people on the planet.

The other one of the few strongest people on the planet tells you to look out.


It doesn't work that way Seth.
That type of logic is retarded.
Just fucking ask yourself if somebody told you to look out, what would you do? I can guarantee you wouldn't just back away 100% of the time, You'd look at what they would be talking about.
That's all I'm saying.
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