Waiting for King's flashback
The truth behind his race, why is he the only one left, what happened with the others
The first meeting with Kaido
How did he become Kaido's subordinate
His older days with Queen and 8 y.o. Jack
If there is a King's flashback it will likely be during the battle of Onigashima similar to Baby 5 and Senor Pink's flashbacks that were shown during the fight against the Donquixote family.
Big Mom killed a bear at age 5 -> nowadays becomes a Meme
Jack already a Calamity since at least age 8 -> nowadays become a punching bag
Oden killed a bear at age 4 -> dead already
The ones who shine early are treated bad
Child Luffy was a crybaby, and the weakest among ASL Trio -> will become PK
Child Zoro lost to a girl 2000 times -> will become WSS
Child Sanji got bullied by his siblings -> will become Most Dangerous Man for Marine
Stop. Lesser villains like:
Senor Pink gets a flashback
Baby 5 gets a brief flashback
Katakuri gets a flashback
Brulee gets a flashback
King will get a flashback. Maybe not fully, but his first time meeting Kaido and becoming his highest subordinate will be shown. History with his race, what happened and how they are wiped, and why it's King that is the only one left. Interaction with other Calamities will be shown.
The more Oda wanks Oden, the more he wanks Kaido, the beast who cooked Oden alive
The more Oda wanks Scabbards, the more he wanks the Calamities, the supposed group who beat the majority of Wano people.
The more Oda wanks Oden, the more he wanks Kaido, the beast who cooked Oden alive
The more Oda wanks Scabbards, the more he wanks the Calamities, the supposed group who beat the majority of Wano people.
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