Didn't you say Zoro not fighting Kaido this arc and can't cut him.

Stop bringing up old news.
I expected Zoro to cut Kaido /reopen the scar with Killer even in thsi chapter or next.
You guys said Zoro has top tier speed and AP
His attack/power got mocked by Kaido who laughed at his tornado then blew the SNs away
Oden's haki.
Kidd didn't need ryuo/adcoa even
He didnt need Oden's haki and Magical sword to hurt Kaido.
Zoro vs kaido : 1 shot missed, 1 landed but mocked

Zoro > Kidd indeed for being a good underling in saving his captain.
Last page : SN trio and Rocks duo shown
Oda keeps giving importance to the 3 who are captains
G4 luffy was gonna beat dragon kaido .
G4 luffy is indeed low top cause he was close to beating Kaido out of dragon form
True top tiers do at least what luffy did
Oden > Luffy >kidd > Law >= Zoro/Killer
Oden > luffy + Kidd + Law combined.