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The fuck are you talking about? If not for the spider web he wouldn't get caught and would destroy them lol
Try harder.
the point is he got side tracked by a obvious fucking trap the web wasnt the only thing playing into the trap its quite obvious that his retarded simp nature that got him into this position you are in a middle of a fucking war and you expect what gifters sexually assaulting each other ? how the fuck does that make any sense
look at your comment :whitepress:, I don't know where you got the confidence to make thinking that to be 100% legit . Sanji can fight King/Queen or Page1, I don't see why page1 should be excluded even if chances are less. Meanwhile you thinking Zoro will fight King after Kaido:gokulaugh:.
Who said it would be after? It would be soon where he is forced to fight king if he does. I’m saying page one vs sanji doesn’t make sense and I realized only sanji haters say it. Since your saying page one vs sanji I’m saying zoro vs king can still happen because the act didn’t end yet
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