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My fear now is ODA to extend these non-centered chapters on the roof, until all subordinates of zoan kaido use their hybrids.:pepecry::pepemotion:
Oh its gonna happen watch.

- Gonna get Page 1 breaking into Choppers medical room. Turns hybrid and attacks Chopper

- Ulti, goes back to hybrid to catch up to Nami (rn she's full zoan)

- Black Maria turns into hybrid at Sanji right before Robin/Brook interferes. Please god be full zoan right now its so bad.

- WsW/Sasaki both go hybrid soon too

- Calamities go hybrid once their fights are solidified.

Kaido hybrid in 10 chapters rofl
I really thought this chapter would be the end of act 3 but apparently not. Act 3 is still going strong. Maybe the end is in the next chapter.

I really hope Sanji get some character development against Black Maria. Not so much as to hit her a woman because Oda would never do something like that which is disappointing, but at least intimidate her enough that she let's him go. I'm really getting tired of Sanji getting beaten by women just because of his code. I'm truely convinced Oda doesn't know how to handle Sanji with enemy women at this point.

As for Tama, eventhough I've seen this shit with her magical dango coming miles away, it's really a sheap way for the alliance to flip the table on the Yonkos. I hope at the very least her abilities have a limit so the tension of the battle on Onigashima doesn't burn out because of it.


My prediction of someone taking Momo to King and Sanji pursuing and fighting King is folding quite nicely.....:akaman:

Why would Sanji go there first and not Yamato? that has promised to protect Momo to Luffy?


Talent is something you make bloom.
Oda clearly fucked with us about Sanji vs King/Queen at this point
The madlad Sanji vs King AND Queen gets closer everyday.
All hail our prophet!
Dont know if zoro d goat checks spoilers, so I wont tag him.
Post automatically merged:

Why would Sanji go there first and not Yamato? that has promised to protect Momo to Luffy?
Queen intercepts them. Sanji is faster so Yamato tells him to go ahead, while she beats the living shit out of Queen.
You are obviously a Sanji hater, so i don't expect any logic from you. The spider web was the only thing that actualy immobilized Sanji, hence why he got caught. The gifter doing a role play didn't do anything to Sanji in terms of immobilizing. Take the web away and what would have happend? Sanji would break the door like he did and beat the shit out of the gifter guy.
You try to hard to make it look like the gifter actualy caught Sanji, which is just retarded. Go and suck Zoros sword, you guys love doing that.
he was about to be a some where completely different the spider web wouldnt matter if there wasnt something to lore him thats basic logic its not hard to understand how fucking stupid his stoic nature makes him hes a chivalry cuck


Oh its gonna happen watch.

- Gonna get Page 1 breaking into Choppers medical room. Turns hybrid and attacks Chopper

- Ulti, goes back to hybrid to catch up to Nami (rn she's full zoan)

- Black Maria turns into hybrid at Sanji right before Robin/Brook interferes. Please god be full zoan right now its so bad.

- WsW/Sasaki both go hybrid soon too

- Calamities go hybrid once their fights are solidified.

Kaido hybrid in 10 chapters rofl
end of act 3 with all subordinates in their hybrid forms, and the King of Beasts NEG DIFFS SNS.:pepelit:
What moved the plot in this chapter? Yeah, nothing.

Try next time.
Literally Tama's Kibi Dango, Ulti confirmed to be after Nami/Usopp still and plot movement with Sanji and Black Maria. Not only that, there is a hint a 10th person assisting the scabbards.

Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. We've gotten literally no plot movement the last 4 chapters.

You get one or the other. Battles or plot movement. The only time where its combined is when a matchup is confirmed or when said matchup ends with a victory, hence plot movement.
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