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Magic Sword, Magic Swordsman, and Can Cut Anything
it’s literally 5 acts. This chapter going back downstairs proves it. Oda said we would see Sabo vivi and boa last year. That was obviously meant to be at the end of act 4 3 but corona and delays prevented that.

the arc is structured after a kabuki play so it will be 3 acts. You sound like the people saying kaido won’t have a hybrid form
and oda was said than one piece will be finished in 5 years.


I will never forgive Oda
It’s Conehead, Orochi, Hiyori or Tengu guy. Doesn’t make sense for it to be any pirate tbh.
All they do is agenda pushing 24/7 It's just insane.
They only want 5 ACTS so that the SNs get washed by the Yonko.
They'd happily suffer through 30 boring ACT 4 chapters if it meant the Yonko get to win this round.
I wouldn’t mind them losing tbh don’t flame me too hard
Never said when Act 3 will end exactly, lol. But it's only the truth that it's still going and that the Scabbard's defeat wasn't the end of it.
you want a tragedy to happen? like cpo said the 2 emps falling will leave the world unbalanced
the SuperNovas and maybe more people on the roof will beat them
thats the tragedy,


What are your bets for "10th" person with Scabbards?

Here are your picks:

1. Yamato? ( that wouldn't make much sense since she is with Momo somewhere else but who knows )

2. Kanjuro the redeemed.

3. Hiyori.

4. Ryokugyu:usoprice:

5. Hotei?

6. Some old badass Samurai who regained his faith in Kozukis.

7. Hawkins:doffytroll:

Place ur bets!
Vegapunk :usoprice:
- Hiyori is the 10th person.
- Caribou is the shadow that was spying on Robin.

We'll meet Hitetsu once the island landed. I still feel like Hybrid Kaido might break sandai kitetsu and tengu gives Zoro another sword.

Nidai has to have a fucking role in this arc
It better has to play a role given how it was wasted in Luffy's hands.


I will never forgive Oda
- Caribou is the shadow that was spying on Robin.
I really dig this idea. Caribou needs to play some role this arc and he insinuated he was working for someone big time back in FMI right? He could be making a move on Robin for Blackbeard, wouldn’t even be odd after Oda has Big Mom discuss taking Robin alive and reopening that plot thread.
you want a tragedy to happen? like cpo said the 2 emps falling will leave the world unbalanced
the SuperNovas and maybe more people on the roof will beat them
thats the tragedy,
Ain't gonna happen before Act 4 dude. And the Supernovas aren't going to win this fight on the roof, the real final battle will be on the mainland.
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