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Different personalities.
We already know Kaido likes to leave people he considers as strong within an inch of their life or even spare their lives if he stops giving a fuck, like what happened with Momo 20 years ago.
King seems more calculating and probably realizes that the scabbards plus Momo can still inspire some fight on the remaining samurai so he just wants them dead right away, much like he ordered Momo's death earlier.
sounds like a cop out

this basically means no one is at the threat of dying when facing Kaido, we can just keep fucking up against him and he will still let everyone live
Sanji and Blackmaria plot line is too annoying and boring
I don't even see a point to this
Is it just to nerf Sanji so a calamity has a shot at pushing him to high diff or there is something else?
Most freaking boring plot i've ever witnessed since kalifa, oh just kidding i forgot about otama :saden:.

Honestly i like the chivalry of sanji but damn this doesn't make any sense as to why the fuck he couldn't escape, it's not like he HAD to fight black maria (no key to get from her unlike with kalifa). Especialy since we know that sanji can use soru... :seriously:
Stop with this garbage. The strawhats are clearly having extreme diff fights against the executives. If Chopper is getting a battle, its against Page 1, a character Sanji practically deleted offscreen.
Too soon for this...

Chopper, Ussop and maybe Nami have to wait.

Robin vs Black Maria

Franky vs Sasaki (if Denjiro did not appear here, because they have a "bond" and it seems interesting)

Brook vs Hotei, Fukurokuju (if Raizo did not appear, becaude he is his rival)

Ussop vs Numbers or the strongest Number

Chopper vs the strongest Headliner

Nami vs Ulti

Sanji vs Who's Who, Queen, King, Jack, could be anything at this time and all of them fit Sanji's themes (pervert, gangster/mafia, science related family, fire powers... CQC combat)

- Nobody wants to see new weapon attacks from Franky? Or a new form from his cyborg body?
- Nobody wants to see Jinbe finally go all out?
- Nobody wants to see Chopper get redeemed and have an all out battle with new points?
- Nobody wants to see an Usopp/Nami tactical teamup against a headbutting powerhouse?
- Nobody wants to see Yamato's devil fruit?
- Nobody wants to see Brook or Robin get well deserved fights that they haven't gotten in years?

Damn, I didn't think "we" all didn't care about that.
This chapter doesn't have any of the things you listed though apart from maybe the Franky part.

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