How can the strongest mode yet, from the strongest creature in OP, be overrated? Oda deliberately went out of his way to fuse powerlevels of Oden together with Zoro and just make a papercut which Kaidou laughed at the instant next panel, he makes G4 exhaused with Kaidou just out for mere seconds or minutes if we being real generous while WB being stabbed visibly reduced his performance, he made Gamma Knife and Kama Shock (both internally destructive to the inner organs) negligible with just a lol and continue attacking with the protagonists having instant continuous plot armor breaking a sweat to even capable of avoiding each and every his attacks at all costs, Oda have to make the SNs capable of dodging his wind attacks while magically surviving BM's lghtning attacks which in physiology lightning bolts can literally stops your heart from beating, and dont get started with Kidd's megabadass robot which force Kaidou to finally feel that he's being tickled.