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Talent is something you make bloom.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how fucking OVERRATED was the Flying Six?

Imagine thinking DRAKE wasn't CLEAR TOP 1 in that group
F6 are strong enemies. Not the main threats, but better than some cheap ass Shichibukai's executives.
Most SH's gotta step it up to the endgame. They need at least be able to beat some top level subordinates in order to face BB's crew in the future, where all of them are huge threats.
If, at this point, someone like Franky cant beat a F6, dude is gonna have problems later on. :kayneshrug:
Nami don't need zeus, just look at the rooftop, the weather playing into Nami hands. She should be able to spamm lightning since both Kaido and Big mom create a thunder cloud. And as we know Nami was outside of the dome with means she should be able to spamm stronger lightnings thanks to Kaido and Big mom.

Overall I must really say, never expect Franky dealing with Sasaki like this, since as calamity candidate and beeing equal to Drake and WsW i kinda expect more. At least Ulti show that she was above Nami and Usopp. It is really the time to accept that Franky get stronger and beeing close to Jinbe? In that case I hope Franky show soon CoA, would hype him even more.
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