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Zoro Worshipper
RS protects him from fire. He is faster than Lolo and tougher than him due to getting no damage from King. The only advantage Lolo has Oden's sword which is AP. But it still didn't make any gigantic difference like Scabbard's Paradise Totsuka or Luffy's Kong Gatling which both knock Kaido down. Paper cut damages are not really important. Sanji's speed, invisibility, flight and his toughness are vastly superior to Lolo. I am not even Sanji fan.
What are you talking about?
That's Base Sanji we were talking about
Sanji: "Don't you dare underestimate Nico Robin!!"
So we are really going towards a Robin vs BM it seems.

And Franky is having a good fight against Sasaki. So it seems that not only the commanders are slightly stronger in BMP, her people just under the sweet generals are slightly above Tobi Roppo as well.
BMP best Yonko crew in all aspects!
There plenty countries that the age of consent is in fact younger than even 16. Doesn't made it okay and Judge's son isn't less disgusting.
Great to insult Japan's values as disgusting here, I'm pretty sure a lot of what goes on in your country could be considered disgusting by other cultures.
Clearly this wasn't even on Oda's radar at all as an issue, but sensitive myopic morons are getting salty about it.
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