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Talent is something you make bloom.
From TalkOP:


Black Maria's subordinates had a reaction of "Even if Sanji was beaten up to this point, he would not betray his partner, right?".

The call for help was a fluke So Robin would know where he was and could sneak attack them.
Robin can create eyes and spy, like she did in Thriller Bark and heard about the "nothing happenned".
She can easily do that and get the sneak attack on BM.
Easy bait, easy life.
Scabbards will be saved by Yamato

her story is linked to them, and Momo need to meet them and the mysterious woman

Sanji fight is Queen

people coming up with dumb random match ups after each chapter is getting tiring
jack is too afraid to beat up kaido's daughter, that fight probably won't happen.
sanji vs weakened jack will happen


Heavy Metal
It was just so Robin could have that moment of "thanks for believing in me". It's cool for Robin, but it's kinda meh for Sanji, asking for Robin's help and putting her in danger.
Dont know so far, but for now i interpret the situation differently here.

For me it looks like robin was there anyway (like we assumed last chapter, the girl with the patch over the face). So Robin and Sanji were able to get some information about different things and also about their kind of communication. And when they got the information they needed, Sanji kinda starts the changing of the situation by telling Robin to start. With his shoutout for help, Robin knew to start. Specially now, when BM gets beaten by robin, nobody will claim the Strawhats "hacked" their communication, cause they know Robin was there after Sanjis calling. Robin than thanks him for his patience, for waiting and getting beaten until they got their information.

At least that would be my interpretation of the situation.
Ofc not lmao
Black maria told him to call Robin and he said fuck you last chapter
Ofc he didn't call her
But it's always like this the providers make Sanji look very bad or Zoro very good
Zoro fans make fun of us then the whole thing comes out and we comeback to give them L's :cheers:
No different this time
Something is wrong there why would Robin thank
The beginning of this chapter feels like a flashback of what already happen last chapter
As a Sanji fan this hurts, from the repeat of the Kalifa situation to Sanji begging for help.:pepecry:

If Oda didn't want Sanji to go to the roof he could have found another way to do it instead of doing a Sanji and Kalifa 2.0, the same thing with setting up Robin vs Black Maria.:tchpepe:
Well, when I think about it, No Luffy and Zoro, Oda suddenly change his focus more on Sanji than other characters like Jinbei, Marco, Yamato so I'm glad Oda doing that. It's hurt but it more hurt when No Sanji in the chapter at all. Good News, Yamato, Brook, Chopper and Sanji still got a chance 1 on 1 fight especially Sanji and Yamato.
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