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Talent is something you make bloom.
So are you betting that Sanji won’t care about whatever is up with Queen and Judge meaning we won’t have any main characters who care about that plot point?

Are you saying it’s actually possible that Oda writes this?
I am saying that it would be dumb.
Robin: "Thanks for trusting me, Sanji! :finally:

Sanji haters who claim he does not think women are strong and can handle themselves getting bitch slapped by Oda :milaugh:

BM went on about how Sanji must call Robin so that they can beat her up and torture her, and he was like

" Oh i will call for Robin, but once she gets here she's going to fuck you all up"


I love how Sanji's relationship with women is not one sided in that regard

Just as he'd risk his life to protect Robin or Nami, he trusts them to do the same for him.

Black Maria is obviously not weak by any means, and Sanji got to witness her strength as he allowed her to one sidedly beat him down, but trusts Robin to come in there and kick her and her lackeys asses.

Black Maria :king:
It's true. Oda probably wanted to highlight this key Sanji moment of " Everyone has something he can and cannot do".
This chapter is cementing to me that Zoro vs King will happen. Given alll the shit Sanji is taking, there’s always an underlying message.

Sanji isn’t Zoro. When women hit him he cuts back. When the chips are down, that’s where you see Zoro at his greatest. When the chips are down Sanji is also down. Sanji and Zoro both save people, but Zoro finishes his fights. Sanji instead chooses to run (which is smarter, but not the Bushido way).

“When the world shoves you around, you just gotta stand up and shove back. It’s not like somebody’s gonna save you if you start babbling excuses.” This is Zoro’s mentality on life, and that’s why Kaido and Big Mom, will be followed up with the strongest Swordsman in Wano, King. Zoro can do what Sanji can’t. Stay conscious even after Luffy to take on burdens Luffy can’t momentarily. This is why Zoro is clutch saving Luffy almost five times this arc.
Zoro is fighting kaido


Remember Whole Cake.
Sanji's arc. But a Cake.
If Oda want's to have Sanji fine for the end of Wano, he won't allow him to fight against someone like King or Queen... But Jack??? And a Nerfed Jack??? LMAO, perfect for him.
It's bad enough to be a good contrast for the end...
Whole cake wasn't an arc for battles
Oda wasn't even gonna have Luffy fight Katakuri
He improvised midway and prolonged WCI.

Jack recovered, the fact he's up means he recovered
And why would Sanji fight be Jack?

You seem broken or you hate Sanji.

Just like the ones who kept saying Sanji vs P1 or a flyer coz of whatever
When Oda has build up Sanji vs King,...Queen knows Judge
Jack literally has nothing much except "sanji needs to save retainers " huh?
haha I know this seems bad currently but don't worry Sanji will shine

WCI was never meant to be an arc to highlight Sanji strength and powers and might.

WCI was Sanji winning over his inner demons and showing his true strength to the Vinsmoke : he has emotions, he cares, cares for the weaks, for his family, his crew etc. Sanji managed to free himself from his past and can now look in front of him instead of behind. He even saved the Vinz when they were 2 seconds away of being killed. Sanji baked a cake to save all the islands, we can think it is a bad plot (yep it was weird as fuck) but this is not against him power wise.

Sanji arc was not a fighting arc it was a character arc.
OFC he will shine, but i don't expect him to shine against Jack...In Fact i do expect a "defeat" until he useses the Raid Suit or until someone comes to help him... Wich both are bad situations for Sanji tho XDXDXD
I do expect a good situation for Sanji at the end of the war XDXD
But not now XDXD


Zoro Worshipper
Marco vs King isnt a matchup that will lead anywhere. Oda showed 3 times in the story Marco cannot defeat King. The fact that you people are still hounding on about this is abysmal.
The fact you preemptively rule out the chance someone else not called Sanji will take on King is also abysmal my man. No offence.
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