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Talent is something you make bloom.
Can you believe there was a time I bought the theory that Sanji was gonna 1v3 his brothers in base. Like Ichiji Niji Yonji in their raid suit power ups vs Regular Sanji and he would beat their asses together

I actually thought that was a reasonable theory.

Hahahahaha... Oh how dumb I was
I thought he was gonna rekt at least Niji. Rekt Yonji, and, during the flashbacks, Niji and Yonji were the 2 worse ones. Which he kinda did, but then they pulled the "hostage" move.
What a bunch of Kaidos, geez.
Oi This joke of chapter put aside, how many hours/days do you think the Rooftop Fight will last? @rerere
Rooftop fight is the last one to be closed so there are 2 chances imo:
- The war lasts the whole night, ends during the dawn right before Onigashima landing on the Flower Capital (most likely to happen)
- Onigashima lands on Wano but somehow not on the Flower Capital (in an isolated location, like Kuri) and the war becomes a logoration war which lasts a pair of days (2-3)
What do you think?

Theres probably a few other scenes not described. Wouldn't be shocked if that description of others reacting to Sanji's words, we see Jinbe and Chopper too or something.
I hope so, damn give me some Live Floor updates :finally:
I mean someone went from huffing against stag beetle straight into putting fear into two Yonko at same time Lol
Don’t pretend like Brook can do this jump of power if Oda wanted to Lol
Power scaling at this point is useless talk, cause Oda doesn’t give a shit about it anymore, and it’s clear with all events happening
Why do ppl keep on this stag beetle meme? Zoro was fighting a room of like 500 people by himself the stag beetle guy had one line


Bro you really wanna see Sanji getting trashed and begging for help?
I don't even wanna shit on Sanji, I just don't have any interest in anything that isn't on roof top.
Its like useless filler to me that Oda needs to off panel
The rooftop fight is the most important so naturally it will be the last plot point to be closed.
But then what would’ve been Zoro’s contribution to the fight? Shouldn’t he only leave the roof when Kaido is lying in a puddle of his own blood after Zoro cuts his chest open?

I mean I’m of the mind that Zoro will fight king but you are making it seem like Zoro won’t even do anything on the roof as well. Saying “It’s not Zoro’s place”. TF? He’s been doing way better than Kid and Law for a person who it’s “not even his place”
But you are assuming the fight on the roof is the ONLY place the fight is taking place or if things won't at all shift. Any number of things can force or set aside Zoro for something else entirely, only to return later. I don't expect them to "win" on the roof, thats the difference in our expectations.

Again, not saying ZKK can't happen, I'm just saying I don't think his fight with Kaido will be the entirety of Zoro's role in the arc. People will see what I mean once the island lands/crashes or the fight on the rooftop ends with the Yonko thrashing everyone (because we know its probably coming at this point).

I will entirely be glad to eat my words otherwise.
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