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And thats my point, who knows what the makeup will be by then. Could just be all of them. Could be them plus Drake/Apoo/Hawkins. Could be just Luffy/Zoro. Could be just Luffy/Law/Kid.

We. Don't. Know.
Zoro will obviously be involved, this isn't the end of his participation, Oda hasn't been building up Enma and the destructive power with it for Zoro not to actually land a crucial hit on Kaido.
"HoW Can an Injured Sanji FIghT against JacK Let alone King"

man yall understate the word "injured" alot when it comes to sanji... WHY not take a trip down memory lane.. shall we..

1) got stabbed and beaten to a pulp... and then goes ahead to flip a behemoth in thriller bark with just one move. and stops a gum gum bazooka from that behemoth 👀💀

2) gets beaten to a pulp yet again in enies lobby.. but proceeds to whoop Jabra's ass who was just 20 doriki less than Kaku who a relatively fresh zoro was fighting (jabra was 2180 doriki (power lvl) while kaku was 2200)
i can see some nerves itch already with this one

3)gets his bones broken against Don krieg's right hand... proceeds to make a livin tuna out of Arlong's right hand"

so you can't really understate an injured sanji
... and a whole different beast when angry

not someone to be underestimated... and the victims realize it when its too late ...
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Ok bozo hope for your sake they don't lose on the rooftop and everything is peachy and Zoro becomes the main character in the series just to make you happy. Its what you want after all. Totally realistic, yeah.
Relax buddy nobody said anything about the main character why are you so angry about this
I thought you wanted to the best for zoro, So what if he beats a yonko or two and be on the same level luffy for an arc of two, Isnt him being the strongest his goal anyways? So Let him be the strongest

People would rather Zoro fight Kaido, lose and be overshadowed by Luffy than have a full blown Commander fight alone and STILL "Ryumma" Kaido later on.

Thats what 4-5 Zoro "fans" have told me already so far
Imagine thinking the MC ( in OP from all mangas) will not overshadow any other character no matter what X character does.

It just one being realistic with Oda .

Do I ike the idea of a solo vs King? Yes
Will happen? Low chances.
Considering Zoro position it will be seen like going backwards on what his character is about.
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