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Sanji is not ready to fight a calamity level. That's why Oda nerf Jack first. What a massive nerf, almost dead beaten by hundred of sulong minks and on top of that by Inu and Neko sulong form. Wow just how massive his gap with Sanji. Lol:cheers:


Heavy Metal
Point is that Black Maria plotline is much worse than Khalifa plotline.
The only way Sanji can close this war cleanly is by:
- Taking down King
- Taking down Queen and pulling a Mr Prince

Otherwise all this was just humiliating
I still stick to the idea that the whole Black Maria plot with Sanji was kind of a spy action. Robin was there (the girl with the patch over the face), Brook was close too, somewhere hidden. Sanji got beaten while they can get some information from Black Maria and about they communication. Robin was able to hide behind the patch (who watches the watchmen?) and they now can actively manipulate what information the beast pirates can get. They could then fake some information (Black Maria won, Scabbards are dead...) and get the better cards in their hand.
@jmena , @BangMi
If I think more about the Sanji/BM stuff, this is all over again a Viola 2.0 and not just Kalifa.
Sanji get "defeated" and beat down because he can´t hurt a women, then Sanji getting save(by Robin this time, back then Viola change and save him) and knowing about the villian plan, back then it was the Strawhats who get need saved by Sanji.
This time it going be the Red Scabbards, with meaning Sanji getting his shine soon and saving the RS. Doffy get replaced by Jack who encounter Sanji, Sanji showing some good feats until get defeated(like against Doffy) and Yamato showing up to save him.

I swear I can see Oda handle this like how I describt above, all over again a Viola 2.0.
I don´t see Jack losing more hype after already getting defeated by the Minks above, so Oda will most like hype him up again and Sanji will use again as hypebole. In my though the war just start it and the matchups already get placed, but I think after Onigashima landing on Flower capital, the fights happen in multiple area>Sanji get enough time to heal himself and fight later either Queen or King.
@jmena , @BangMi
If I think more about the Sanji/BM stuff, this is all over again a Viola 2.0 and not just Kalifa.
Sanji get "defeated" and beat down because he can´t hurt a women, then Sanji getting save(by Robin this time, back then Viola change and save him) and knowing about the villian plan, back then it was the Strawhats who get need saved by Sanji.
This time it going be the Red Scabbards, with meaning Sanji getting his shine soon and saving the RS. Doffy get replaced by Jack who encounter Sanji, Sanji showing some good feats until get defeated(like against Doffy) and Yamato showing up to save him.

I swear I can see Oda handle this like how I describt above, all over again a Viola 2.0.
I don´t see Jack losing more hype after already getting defeated by the Minks above, so Oda will most like hype him up again and Sanji will use again as hypebole. In my though the war just start it and the matchups already get placed, but I think after Onigashima landing on Flower capital, the fights happen in multiple area>Sanji get enough time to heal himself and fight later either Queen or King.
Imagine the state of worstgen if Sanji loses another fight:jay-he:
@jmena , @BangMi
If I think more about the Sanji/BM stuff, this is all over again a Viola 2.0 and not just Kalifa.
Sanji get "defeated" and beat down because he can´t hurt a women, then Sanji getting save(by Robin this time, back then Viola change and save him) and knowing about the villian plan, back then it was the Strawhats who get need saved by Sanji.
This time it going be the Red Scabbards, with meaning Sanji getting his shine soon and saving the RS. Doffy get replaced by Jack who encounter Sanji, Sanji showing some good feats until get defeated(like against Doffy) and Yamato showing up to save him.

I swear I can see Oda handle this like how I describt above, all over again a Viola 2.0.
I don´t see Jack losing more hype after already getting defeated by the Minks above, so Oda will most like hype him up again and Sanji will use again as hypebole. In my though the war just start it and the matchups already get placed, but I think after Onigashima landing on Flower capital, the fights happen in multiple area>Sanji get enough time to heal himself and fight later either Queen or King.
I like it... NGL...
Why would zoro struggle with Jack?
Because Oda is not yet drawing his protagonists dealing easily with Yonkou commander threats.

This is the same Oda who went out of his way to have Apoo not outright destroyed in a 2vs 1 against Casual Zoro in tandem with Drake,Oda also had Luffy saying he needed to go G4 against Ulti and Page 1.

Zoro's feats are pretty good in the rooftop fight since he has the right tools to deal with Kaido and Big mom but I think Oda also had him look that good because he intends to have The emperors take an overwhelming upperhand later unlike in the Apoo vs Drake and Zoro fight.

Unless Oda draws Zoro beating easily Jack(low-mid diff),i don't think it is less than a low high diff seeing as Oda has been portraying Kaido's executives as relatively dangerous even for the high end strawhats.

Zoro himself said neither route will be easy for him when talking about reaching the roof from the castle (Queen route) or reaching the roof going airborne (King route).

That's my opinion on the matter.

You are free to disagree with it.


Pepebusi Spammer
@jmena , @BangMi
If I think more about the Sanji/BM stuff, this is all over again a Viola 2.0 and not just Kalifa.
Sanji get "defeated" and beat down because he can´t hurt a women, then Sanji getting save(by Robin this time, back then Viola change and save him) and knowing about the villian plan, back then it was the Strawhats who get need saved by Sanji.
This time it going be the Red Scabbards, with meaning Sanji getting his shine soon and saving the RS. Doffy get replaced by Jack who encounter Sanji, Sanji showing some good feats until get defeated(like against Doffy) and Yamato showing up to save him.

I swear I can see Oda handle this like how I describt above, all over again a Viola 2.0.
I don´t see Jack losing more hype after already getting defeated by the Minks above, so Oda will most like hype him up again and Sanji will use again as hypebole. In my though the war just start it and the matchups already get placed, but I think after Onigashima landing on Flower capital, the fights happen in multiple area>Sanji get enough time to heal himself and fight later either Queen or King.
clearly i dont see the plot about Sanji vs Black Maria other than build up Robin vs Maria
and because Sanji get out from this useless plotline with Black Maria.
i have an assumption somehow Oda gonna pull some new durability feat from Sanji, like awaken exoskeleton or raid suit's healing ability maybe?
but this assumption could be debunked if Marco healed Sanji later on.
I still stick to the idea that the whole Black Maria plot with Sanji was kind of a spy action. Robin was there (the girl with the patch over the face), Brook was close too, somewhere hidden. Sanji got beaten while they can get some information from Black Maria and about they communication. Robin was able to hide behind the patch (who watches the watchmen?) and they now can actively manipulate what information the beast pirates can get. They could then fake some information (Black Maria won, Scabbards are dead...) and get the better cards in their hand.
I hope so, would fit well and give a sense to how Sanji is behaving
At the end of the day Sanji-Brook-Robin are basically the 'spy team' of the SHs
Let's hope Sanji (and Oda) knows what he's doing
Why are we acting like Jack is some subliminal scrub that Sanji should have no business atleast clashing with?

Sanji is too good now for 1billlion bounty fighters?
I don't think Sanji is gonna fight Jack but those who think the dude who couldn't beat Vergo or even make Pageone bleed is too good for a commander worth a billion are something else:luuh: Pageone sent him flying lol
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