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The thing is that there is no teamwork in this fight. Everyone is launching random attacks in a pathetic attempt to show power. No combos. Without strategy. Just useless attacks to look beautiful.
the fact that they don't work together is one of the plot points shown since they are bickering all the time,they will get there eventually
He became like this by fans because in one arc, Oda overused the L on Smoker, starting from Law, then Gender swap, then Luffy beat him in Tachigi's body, then Vergo, then Doffy...

That was TOO excessive for one arc, that it stuck in Fans mind and he truly now is not considered as a threat by MANY FANS...
The same smoker who pre-skip was scholding Luffy non-stop... became at the rock bottom by fans from one single arc...
idk why, people must not have been paying attention in punk hazard. smoker was fighting tactically and accomplished his goals, he wasnt trying to beat vergo he was trying to distract him while he was getting law's heart back to him without vergo noticing

Blother Fertitta

Real Ni**er Blother
idk why, people must not have been paying attention in punk hazard. smoker was fighting tactically and accomplished his goals, he wasnt trying to beat vergo he was trying to distract him while he was getting law's heart back to him without vergo noticing
Yes while this is true, why couldn’t he defeat Vergo on his own?
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