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Talent is something you make bloom.
as a sanji fan, this chapter is a hard bummer for me, but that wont take away my overall enjoyment of the chapter. sanji is freed finally and he can do what he can do best now, kick some ass
I actually thought the chapter was funny as hell.
I don't mind Sanji having clown moments. It's One Piece, after all, not Bleach. :P
And the "Sanjin" moment was wholesome as well. :sweat:


Heavy Metal
Kid is not Chilling. He’s fuckin shocked at the power of G4 Luffy. He’s basically saying he can’t do anything compared to G4
He wasnt shocked, he was impressed, cause he didnt expected that Luffy is able to. And no, he hasnt said anything you want to claim here. If i assume you arent able to read a whole panel and then you will show me in the future you are able to, i am not "fucking shocked by your reading power".

And I suppose Zoro countering Boro breath Prometheus and Kaido’s tornado is Zoro sweating to be relevant. As opposed to body slamming Kaido and doing no damage.
Kid did damage, Kaido was in pain. It was shown. Denying it is just trolling dude.

Again, it’s literally confirmed Zoro is getting stronger as he fights given that Mastering Enma makes him stronger. While Kid is admitting his limit while witness G4.
He never admitted it. He never said he is on his limits. Repeating lies doesnt make them true. Is your Zoro fandom really so fragile that you need to troll other characters to push yours? Come on.

These are the two people you are comparing. One guy who is getting stronger vs a guy who is shocked by everyone else’s strength
Again, the same lie.
I compare a Captain who already fought Yonkos and Yonko crew, which has CoC and is known as one of the most dangerous pirates out there, which made his name in new world already vs a Crewmate, which got babysitted 2 years and is mostly known for being part of Luffys crew.
Marco aint defeating King. So then who will defeat King ?
This chapter confirms King vs Marco. Oda drew Marco vs King panel next to the other confirmed matchups; Jinbei vs WW and Sasaki vs Franky. And Marco gonna defeat King with high difficulty. King is a commander too, so I expect Marco to struggle against him.
As for Sanji, he either gonna fight Queen or Jack. Queen makes more sense because of Germa and Judge.
as a sanji fan, this chapter is a hard bummer for me, but that wont take away my overall enjoyment of the chapter. sanji is freed finally and he can do what he can do best now, kick some ass
Aside from the annoying fodder that called Sanji patheitc ( since they dont understand Sanji's weakness). Sanji didnt look that bad.

He probably realised he's wasting time on BM, and believes Robin can defeat her. And he only started to cry when BM said she wants to keep him forever and make him only love her.

From now on it's only Ws for Sanji anyways. Overall I liked this sideplot. 7-8/10.


Heavy Metal
so tell me why kid/killer doesn't have used his real power when they are surprissed for luffy/zoro power.
Cause we are in a Shonen? Why didnt Luffy use G4 against Hody to instantly finish him? Or why did he wait against Mingo?
Why did Luffy wait with Snakeman against Katakuri?
Why did Zoro wait with Asura back then in Enies Lobby?

Cause nobody in these fights go all out from beginn with. Where did this EVER happen?
I mean he block Big Mom's attack in WCI with Luffy. Though never state Zoro isn't durable as he as much durable as Sanji given both can take a lot abuse. Happy he trained himself after situation with Kamazou as I heard many clown him for fainting to nerf Kamazou.
The attack was minuscule, around the size of Marco's head, and not named

Also Really ****

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